OP PICK or BAN: BEST Builds & Picks For EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.20

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Top Lane
0:21 Camille
1:32 Poppy
2:16 Jungle
2:20 Zed
3:08 Jarvan IV
3:52 QOTD
4:18 Mid Lane
4:22 Tryndamere
5:07 Irelia
5:53 Bot Lane
5:57 Ziggs
6:40 Vayne
7:42 Support
7:46 Amumu
8:30 Soraka
9:23 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.20 Best support 11.20, best mid laners 11.20, best junglers 11.20, best top laners 11.20, patch 11.20 rundown, 11.20 lol, 11.20 changes, item buffs 11.20, lord dominik’s regards nerfs 11.20, smite nerfs 11.20, taliayh nerfs 11.20, amumu nerfs 11.20, singed nerfs 11.20, jarvan IV nerfs 11.20, irelia nerfs 11.20, shen nerfs 11.20, senna buffs 11.20, darius buffs 11.20, elise buffs 11.20, hecarim buffs 11.20, udyr buffs 11.20,

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43 thoughts on “OP PICK or BAN: BEST Builds & Picks For EVERY Role – League of Legends Patch 11.20”

  1. Riot only overpowers the same fucking champions over and over again ZED and IRELIA and irelia is such a gay champ you can even get shutdown in early but you just need 1 maybe 2 kills and you are op already fuuuk…. Im a talon main and talon when he goes to the op pick maybe 2 weeks riot instantly " oh shit need an update we have to take that motherffucker out of there" and talon is a champion that is a little more difficult to carry compared to irelia

  2. QOTD: Katarina had been an absolute monster in solo queue for so long I'd like to see her be weak as hell for a patch or 2 just catch a breather without her. Likewise. I never see Aurelion Sol or Ryze. I'd love to see one of them be super strong and popular for just a patch or 2 would be nice to change things around a bit. Talking from a low elo perspective don't tell me how strong or weak whatever champ is at your elo if you're Diamond and Above yada yada yada.

  3. Trundle F-tier, Orianna S-tier. Trundle is literally just a stat stick, and while there is an argument to make that such a thing is fine, he just feels unfun to play against and pretty lame to play as. Orianna is not only a mage, something that suffers from the current mobility problem of league, but she is very team-oriented and high skill cap. It would not only let us see more sick plays in mid for pro play but would also promote a better solo-queue environment than our current bruiser assassin meta… I don’t think Zed, Rengar and Talon deserve F-tier but there is no reason they should be allowed to exist in their current state for an entire season

  4. QOTD: katarina should be f tier as it inflates peoples elos and I would like Reingar to be a tier so I can play a jungle assassin when my kha’zix and zed and Lee sin aren’t an option or are banned

  5. QOTD: I honestly want to see seraphine back to the s tier in both bot and mid lanes, she has a lot of ways to have awesome combos with jugglers and supports

    And I hate draven and having him in a strong spot is horrible as hell

  6. Qotd: I would love to see urgot in f tier he just scares me I have never won against him in lane and I would like to see pantheon in S tier maybe bc I rly like playing him but I feel like he is soo weak right now

  7. beside Soraka u missed. . . Seraphine, Lulu, Sona, Janna, i mean, we all know that every enchanter supp is broken with Moonstone
    and even Sona + Sera combo is waaaaaay more braindead than Soraka, if the game go for more than 15 – 20 min, u CANT win against that, no chance


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