Outriders: Devastators Are Getting Kicked Out Of Endgame Parties

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It’s been barely a week since Outriders launched and the community has already decided that Devastators are second tier citizens incapable of enough DPS. This is A) wrong and B) dumb. But People Can Fly’s idea to nerf the other three classes immediately is not good either.

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23 thoughts on “Outriders: Devastators Are Getting Kicked Out Of Endgame Parties”

  1. The main problem is the only way to do challenge tiers fast is to do alot of damage and kill thing as quick as possible, which automatically makes skill and tank builds useless, not to mention nerfing things already and the game has barely even been out a week.

  2. From what I read the nerfs aren't actually that drastic plus surely you can turn the world tier down if things get harder rather than just having certain skill just remain OP so no one uses any other class. Besides Devastator doesn't even have rounds and gets through the campain fine so I'm not sure what the issue is. The bullets will still do a bunch of damage just not so much that they're the only viable class.

  3. As a Devastator I feel this. I generally prefer solo play and I do not generally enjoy timed content (but I will do it for this game as I love this fucking game) so I am still having a blast progressing World Tiers. I just hit WT13 all solo and prob won’t hit another expedition till
    I max my WT first. But I hope once I do I don’t get kicked!

  4. That's stupid. When team mates go down I fly across the map, smash the enemies that are around and pick your puny ass up and then I can use tremor to heal and shield you too

  5. Lmfao this is a thing lol.this is exactly why multiplayer is trash and games need to focus more on single player and its my opinion. Im a devastater and its a beast and fun. Just play the dam game amd dont boot people for stupid crap i mean you will live i promise. I have so much fun playing bye myself and being that class. I mean obviously devastater is a beast wen this guy is last one standing while the rest of the team are down. Just play the the game folks stop booting folks. The creatures should make it harder to boot people amd give legit reason to boot.

  6. I’m not at lvl 23 on my first character and I went with Devastator as I was a Titan main and I absolutely love the class! Got my first legendary the other day the Golem shotgun and it’s super fun I got a perk that lets me auto reload when I roll under 50% clip. Having a blast… I will never boot you Paul 😛

  7. I uninstalled the game, stick a fork in me and call me well done!!!
    I learned years ago playing Destiny that Coop and or multiplayer is full of Toxic constantly foul mouthed players. Destiny cured me of Coop or Multiplayer with Randoms. There are a great many Toxic individual in these kinds of games.
    Also regardless of Brand, Make or Developer they all get caught up in Nerfing classes, skills, weapons, etc, etc to appease the complainers, hence anyone who loves to play as single player is always left holding the sack of their result.
    As of today I have a new self imposed policy about video games as it always without fail plays out the same each time. If any game is Coop or Multiplayer, simply take a Pass.
    So I now Pass, I have uninstalled this game and will never again purchase any game that is Coop and or Multiplayer.
    I am weary of Toxic players and Developers that wish to promote them.


  8. I may be in the minority, but I don't mind these nerfs. I'm maining a trickster anomaly build and while I'm no where near endgame yet, I'm really enjoying it. It was a bit disappointing that while looking up good endgame builds, they ALL center around the twisted rounds. Yes, it's early, but I don't want to feel forced into changing my build just to match the one that's clearly overpowered. So they need to be balanced, even if this round of nerfs seemed sudden.

  9. well I finished the story on XB and wasn't 30 yet, jumped into random campaign and every time I get auto kicked. not even end game yet and i'm getting kicked before anything.

  10. A majority of the people have just finished the campaign but them pod missions are tough and I don’t seem to be leveling as fast as before but I might play an hour or two every couple days since the weathers been nice gaming is for rainy days and night time .


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