Paralives – Holiday Outfits

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, paralalala-lalala-lives! ’Tis the season to be cozy (and to put on your most festive clothes)!

The Paralives team joins Maggie in wishing you Happy Holidays!

Recently, we have improved Paralives’ clothing system to make it as customizable as possible while keeping it easy to use. Mix and match items to reveal your unique taste, select a design that best suits your personality and choose one of the premade swatches or a specific color using the color wheel. Get creative and impress everyone (or not) with your new outfit!

Features and graphics shown are still a work in progress and are subject to changes and improvements. Follow our progress:

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Angels We Have Heard on High by Kevin MacLeod


35 thoughts on “Paralives – Holiday Outfits”

  1. most of people are not interested in such a profound customising.. i’m just saying it since regarding all the videos uploaded you guys seem to put too much time developing customising details.. what really matters is delicate and interesting interaction! customising is just a plus but nothing more

  2. I see a lot people talking about how Maggie looks at her mismatched socks with displeasure, but I haven't seen anyone suggesting that her displeasure could be a hint at personality traits. After all, if every Para was upset about mismatched socks, then people who wear mismatched socks wouldn't relate to their Para. So maybe Maggie has a 'proper' or 'serious' trait or maybe only Para's who have 'playful' or childish' traits would react to mismatched clothing happily.

    Everyone talked about Sebastian being 'brave' enough to jump into the pool from the roof, so I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet.


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