Pepe Is Among Us

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28 thoughts on “Pepe Is Among Us”

  1. I kinda like the no random first round sheriff shot rule. If the sheriff is right, it ruins the fun for the imposter. If the sheriff is wrong, it's just a waste of a crewmate life. And it encourages the sheriff to really investigate who might be sus.

  2. Ey man, round 1 sheriffs are a hella lot more entertaining than holding it and getting assassinated because you're very obvious when you're actively trying not to shoot someone

  3. Him sherif shooting first round was his brand….

    Like it or not. I actually enjoyed the gambling side.

    When I play with my friends. We allow it. But if you do you can't kill them first next game and they can't kill you if they are imposter…their partner can as imposter, they can signal their partner to, this way its more fun and everyone plays, 2nd round if free though, usually more chaotic. I usually go ham on all the previous sheriffs 2nd round. 🤣

    So if you are sheriff one round and imposter the next and you kill someone while you are sherif, you can't kill them as imposter next round. Your partner can. They can exact revenge (person you killed)…though it's more hilarious not to then kill them at the end. We did this so it's fair. Also makes the game spicy. We also play in a bigger lobby.

  4. I know it was for the meme, but the number of people calling "bait self-report" on Jordan when Skadj had confirmed the body dead on vitals prior to the report was a little frustrating. Like, you've got evidence, defend yourself! (even if they weren't super serious accusations)

  5. Considering that Kara was probably the one that was getting upset at Jordan first-round sheriff-shot, and she essentially refuses to do tasks, it should give Jordan free-reign to do first-round sheriff shots. If people really don't want Jordan to do something, they need to do something that Jordan wants. It's honestly kind of sad to see Jordan ordered around so much in these games between first-round sheriff shots and faking tasks as crewmate.

  6. personally i didn't mind the first round sheriff shots. if people were really getting that worked up over occasionally dying first round, they should maybe re-evaluate how seriously they take cartoon murder bean game

  7. At 38:44, ATLA5 runs between Jordan and Ari and it briefly appears that Ari has a blue outline like from a medic shield, but in reality it's just the absence of the red outline that was their a moment ago tricking your eyes.

  8. Cap, if you’re going to sheriff shot first round
    Please just cut out the rest of the game in the edit
    You barely engage in the deception part of the game,
    unless you’re a neutral/bad role, then you perfectly fake tasks,
    Esp since conversations when you’re dead are just people asking you not to so they can play the game with you


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