Point and Click Abilities: Are They Necessary For The Game? | League of Legends

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For today’s video I wanted to go over the concept of Point and Click Abilities in League of Legends. People like to complain about point and clicks for being zero skill or no counterplay. So I thought it might be worth making a video on!

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#LoL #PointandClick #Abilities


30 thoughts on “Point and Click Abilities: Are They Necessary For The Game? | League of Legends”

  1. 7:50 Vi has Deceive and just teleports for no reason lol

    I feel that some point n' clicks are good and are needed for some people's kit. And then some are alpha strike.
    For the ones that are needed, like Gangplank, Twisted Fate, and Shaco have that attribute because of the rest of their kit. Gangplank's barrels would become damn near impossible to focus and hit if he didn't have a point and click GUN. Twisted Fate would actually be the worse mage in the game were it not be for his w. And Shaco… Shaco already suffered enough when Tobias Fate got more lore than he did.

    As for the toxic ones, Malphite could get a skill shot or just get another ability all together. It doesn't even make sense that he hits you with a rock and then starts zoomin'.

    Master Yi needs to get reworked lol. His abilities on their own doesn't even do anything too major until you get that damn Alpha Strike involved. Without his alpha strike, he's one of the worse characters in league. With Alpha Strike, he becomes more toxic than Singed. I have no idea how to make his alpha strike a skillshot without making his playstyle even more toxic.

    (I was thinking of a conical-shaped parry that scaled the timing of the parry inversely with attack speed. This means if you want to parry while in Highlander, you'll need to do very precise timing but when parrying something, it goes off cooldown and grants a bit of invincibility… yeah you see why I couldn't say this was a upgrade from Alpha Strike.)

    Lastly, Annie has some of the lowest damage on her autos out of the mages, but that doesn't excuse the fact that she has some of the dumbest point and click combos in the game. The Q stun into Ult + Ignite is gross and sadly I don't really know how to make any of her stuff a skill shot without changing Annie's entire kit. She needs that point and click Q for laning, but she also has some of the most degenerate feeling game play out of most mages.

  2. Yes because I can't fucking hit Yone/Yi/Kata dashing teleporting around the whole fight at 9000 km/h while almost doing a pentakill. They are necessary because some champions do too much dmg and are too mobile.

  3. Lock ons and PnC abilities are, in my opinion, not only absolutely necessary for the health of the game, but the lack of them is a major factor in champs feeling overpowered.
    As you sort of mentioned, PnCs are often weaker – and nigh universally single target – compared to their skillshot counterparts.
    If Kai'sa R could be casted where ever, she'd be 100x more OP, if Vex R was targeted it would be significantly weaker in other aspects (range, damage, CD, the reset mechanic that shouldve absolutely been cut out anyway), etc.

    PnCs are a LOT of power, and it helps restrain the power of the champ as long as its not attached to CC, or champ is built around the PnC Crowd control.

    And hot take: mordekaiser was a lot more fun to play, and play against, when he had virtually no skillshots

  4. Nah I truthfully believe, Lulu polymorph is one of the most broken abilities in the game. Undodgable cc that counters any all in, or even stops your dashes and allows a free slow/true sight for her. Or even better, if she's in danger and doesn't wanna use it agressive. She can give her or her adc a speed boost.

  5. One thing I don't understand is the fairly widespread narrative that Malz ult is a braindead skill button. Few ults in the entire game have a comparable gap between a well executed ult and a badly executed one and the latter is a lot easier to achieve than with many skillshots. Is it from the fact that when you get initiated and aced with it, not only did the Malz position well, but that you fucked up at some point up along the way?

  6. Point and Click as a mechanic isn’t broken in itself. Malz being able to press R on you and you are CCd and taking damage.

    Annie Q is slow moving and only stuns if she has her passive stacked, her range is lower than even her auto attacks. And it’s by far her least useful ability, it’s only maxed first because it’s a free CSing tool and has a low CD.

    Point and Click abilities must be far weaker than skillshots, as you pointed out already. much like auto attacks, which are automatically lower than most abilities because AP is just more valuable than AD.

    There are bad PnC abilities (Veig R, Syndra R, Malz R just to name a few.), but the likes of Malphite Q, Annie Q and Gangplank Q aren’t unhealthy, even if they are annoying to trade against. For instance, Ezreal and Kennen can be just as annoying for trading as they typically hit Qs from outside your operational range, it’s not unhealthy that they can trade effectively, it’s just a part of their power budget.

    That said, as a person who mostly plays squishy champs, please remove Malz R, Sett R, Vi R, Alistar and Zed thank you and goodbye.

  7. Great video Vars, would you consider making a video on why there is no decent mana regen items anymore, the really mana heavy champs are almost never played anymore because of this like Anivia, Kassandra, Kassadin, Kogmaw to name a few, I've noticed that if you want mana regen increased, you have to buy support items, come on riot, you messed up bad on this one & noone seems to have noticed because the champs that rely on it are less popular :/

  8. I personally disagree that Syndra's ultimate shouldn't be a skillshot, I think she needs a minor rework on account of her outdated appearance looking more like a BDSM dominatrix than an extremely powerful mage and her passive and ultimate both not doing much to synergize with the rest of her kit. Her ult just feels bad to me both to use and be on the receiving end of because it's so boring and has no skill expression.

    I'd like to see her ultimate changed entirely so that instead of being point and click and simply depending on how many times she's cast Q in the last several seconds it's a skillshot that depends on the position of her orbs. Something like pulling all her orbs in a certain radius to a single location, creating a huge explosion that gets bigger and more damaging the more orbs are pulled in.

  9. No p2w aspects is not very true, I have played GW2, and the quality of life items you get from the shop can be equal to pay to win. The amount of time the items saves it is just no comparison, pure p2w.
    One of the reasons I have quit, other being the toxic community from the Fractals. They literally take no new comers, if you want to get serious about them as a new player you have to search a long time for a static group. Shame as it is a rather nice game, good looking and it's combat is good. But don't present it as not p2w

  10. We need point and click to keep high mobility champs on check, you say if they survive the stun they are less afected by them but they won't, a champ like urgot will build defensive stats and can survive a TF stun, a champ like Irelia or Yas that rely on life steal and build full dmg will either die in the stun or in a state where they cannot fight back.


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