Prop Hunt in Among Us

Prop Hunt in Among Us


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24 thoughts on “Prop Hunt in Among Us”

  1. Lorax Mod: This is recommended to use the Polus map for this.. and the map is based on a land with colorful trees. (watch the movie for the map I cant explain the map too hard.)

    Crewmates: You are a Bear and all the bears have 3 trees if lose all trees you die finish your tasks then there's the Lorax that can kill the Imposter by using the imposter's axe.

    Onceler: The Onceler need to kill all the bears to win where to chop their trees down.

    Abilities: You can stun the bears by making them eat a marshmallow. You can turn invisible. You can chop a tree down from a bear. You can throw an axe to a bear and chop all their trees but the Lorax can stop you from doing that. You can make them chop their trees. You can send the family and chop 2 trees. You can throw the bears into trees. You can poison a marshmallow and feed it to them then he's turned to a tree that is a minion that can help you. He can chop a chop 2 trees by throwing a thneed. He can disguise as a bear. He can stomp on a Bear with the thneed and chop all their trees.

    Minions: Can chop the bear's trees and can carry them.

    Minigame: The minigame is whoever can chop the most trees win and can pick someone to die but the imposter can place trees down so he cant lose in the game.

    Lorax: He can block the Onceler's axes that chop their trees down. He can teleport but only using Unless stones. Can bring trees back to life by a seed for the Bears. Lorax don't have tasks.

    If all bears complete tasks then the Lorax gets a hammer that can bong the Onceler to die on the head. Can stun the Onceler by slapping him on the face. Can steal the poison marshmallows from the bear so he cant be converted but he need to be close to him.

    Based on the Lorax movie and book. I hope you make this mod actually real.

  2. YOU should make a mode cauld the snake mod, were the imposter is a snake and has 4 abilities, ability number 1, bite, kills a crewmate after 15 seconds but leaves a body that can be reported,second ability, swallow ,kills a crewmate but takes longer to perform and does not leave a body, third ability , venom spite, creates a pool of venom that kills anything that walks into it, fourth ability, starts a mini game where the crewmates chose a spot to stand and the snake (imposter ) burrows under them and choses a spot to surface, eliminating anyone who is on that spot, the last person not eliminated chooses who dies, to escape, the crewmates half to get all there tasks done to get a snake trap, then trap the imposter in it to extract his venom, then make it to a jeep at the top of the map to escape

  3. DO A Harry Potter vs Voldemort mod,

    Harry Potters abilities:

    – 50/50 to be able to stun voldemort in a duel 'Priori Incantatem' (duel at graveyard in movie)

    – able to call up the ghosts to 'catch' the avada cedavra curse and save an innocent person

    – able to fly around/teleport on a nimbus 2000

    – can go invisible with the invisibility cloak.

    – 'expecto patronum' can stop dementors from killing someone (like the tiger mod, where the tigers chase the innocents)

    when all innocents finish their task Harry gets an ability to say 'accio sword' and with that sword he can kill voldemort or if u want crewmates can search for horcruxes and they have to store it somewhere (1 horcrux in the map at all time), and then Harry can finish all the horcruxes with his sword and then he can be able to kill voldemort with the first spell 'Priori Incantatem'

    Voldermorts abilities:

    – avada cedavra: kills innocents

    – can mind control people

    – can call dementors to chase innocents

    – can trap people in the maze untill they find the cup

    – can teleport (animation of the black cloud thingy)

    – is able to kill someone with the sign of voldemort (skelet cloud with the snake killing the innocent)

    – can clone horcruxes and when the crewmate stores it and harry destroys it the crewmate who stored it dies.

    DESIGN the map how u like


  4. New mod idea
    MVP mod: Regular crewmate can't see any other persons color or name tag but in meetings they can see their colors and names. There's an MVP player who can see everyone's name and colors. MVP should help crewmate to win.
    MVP has access to camms, go invisible for 15 seconds, has speed buff for 10 seconds


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