Ruined King: A League of Legends Story – Cutscenes & Cinematics

Those who liked the style of the Darksiders games might enjoy the cutscenes and cinematics of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, since the comic graphics are by the same artist, Joe Madureira.
The game was developed by Airship Syndicate and Riot Forge and is a role-playing game in the League of Legends universe, with turn-based battles like Darkest Dungeon. You can choose three out of six champions to fight the battles in Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles. I never played LOL myself, so I don’t know anything about the game world, characters or background. But that’s not necessary with Ruined King, because you get enough explanations in dialogs and cutscenes. If you recognize anything from League of Legends, feel free to post it in the comments below the video. I would be interested to know what Ruined King has to do with LOL. I assume the champions and their equipment?

#RuinedKingALeagueOfLegendsStory #ruinedkingcutscenes


20 thoughts on “Ruined King: A League of Legends Story – Cutscenes & Cinematics”

  1. I guess this game is Riot's way of redeeming themselves after that Sentinel event. The story was great but is it canon? Who am I kidding it is canon since Yasuo did go on a voyage with Ahri after that Yone animated cinematic just last year. Also in 1:59:09 Necrit is canon in Runeterra, can't wait for the real Necrit to react to this.

  2. !!Spoilers for the ending!!

    Honestly this makes Miss Fortune’s behaviour in the Sentinels of Light event make a lot more sense. Like yeah, allowing herself to be ruined by Viego was dumb, but it makes a lot more sense now that we’ve seen how she was tempted previously by Viego.

    Viego promised her control of Bilgewater, Gangplank dead at her feet, even her mother back from the dead. She resisted, but she was definitely tempted, and I imagine the temptation would continue to linger in the back of her mind in the months to come.

    And when Viego returns, after months of her facing Gangplank, after becoming wracked with paranoia and a burning desire for vengeance… well she’s already more than ready to make that deal.

  3. Bello vedere come anche chi non conosce League of legend abbia apprezzato il gioco 😊, ho letto nella descrizione che hai la curiosità di alcuni aspetti riguardanti il mondo di lol in generale e il ruined king se non ho capito male, se hai qualche domanda chiedi pure 👍 e grazie di aver postato le scene, cosi ogni volta che avrò nostalgia potrò venire a vederle 😄

  4. 1:10:08
    MF: "We're heading towards the most dangerous place in existence…"

    Jax, the Shuriman Ascendants, the Darkin, all of Shurima and Ixtal, Kassadin, Zilean, and more looking at the Icathia: "Yeah sure about that…"

    Also Lissandra keeping back the watchers: "Tell me about it…"

    Seriously, the Shadow Isle is like the 3rd worse place to be in, 5th being Zaun, 4th being inside the immortal bastion, 2nd Lissandra's place, and 1st obviously being Icathia and the abyss

  5. This was honestly soo good. I loved every interactions between the characters, especially Yasuo since he's my favourite. But I wasn't expecting Ahri's story to be so compelling.. It truly made me shed a tear at the end.

    Also Yasuo is now headed to Noxus to stop the execution of Riven. Is the Sentinels of Light non-canon now? Because in that she was found alone fighting Draven like in the Awaken cinematic. Did Yasuo not make it in time? What happened? I wanna know soo bad now!

  6. I really like how theses from many homelands join together to face a common threat to Runeterra.
    This showed various character development here and this story lead to the events of the Sentinels of Light event. Viego was defeated yes, but Thresh is now free from his imprisonment to roam the world as he pleases to consume the souls. There will be other threats greater than Viego and Thresh combined in the near future and every heroic champion other than Braum, Ahri, Illaoi, Yasou may join together once more not only protect their respective kingdoms and regions but all of Runeterra. The age of heroes will soon be upon us.


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