Season 9 Broke Apex Legends…

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The Apex Legends Season 9 Launch was not the best because of the apex servers…and the new Bocek Bow has also been causing some controversy, but overall Season 9 has been extremely fun and refreshing so far!

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22 thoughts on “Season 9 Broke Apex Legends…”

  1. The bow is care package worthy imo, it's presence while fighting is as scary as the kraber with how fast you can shoot it (and how accurate it is), it's completely broken. In Plat lobbies that is. And you'd find full 3 man's using it.

  2. I had so much fun this season, I was playing ranked (I was platinum last season so then I was silver 1) my team and I were in one of the building in East fragment, there was about 20 people there, I was Valk my team was going up the building and going down the building, lol it was knock or be knocked, lol I love apex

  3. The games got such a good capacity rn, the bow is quiet and hard to track, valk reverts third party threats, (though her ult should be a more immediately available thing in my opinion) however I will say, I bought apex credits last night and the transactions completed but not being able to spend them has been a pain in the ass

  4. Season 9 still hadn't got designated servers …for high levels aka level 500s and players who are pred or master yh it may be casual pubs but it's stupidly unfair for the influx of new players and for the preds masters and level 500s it's easy claps for them as the new players don't stand a chance against them ..spitfire still meta broken as hell gun three seasons now it's been broken I love the game been playing since launch but this might be the season I finally quit apex and play something new

  5. The bow is basically the same thing only slightly weaker than the sentinel. It would make more sense to nerf the sentinel. But the weapons are very balanced right now. Best season yet.

  6. So no servers, shit ton of bugs and the worst legends nerfs and buffs of the entirety of apex.(they literally made every s tier legend unplayable) THEY MADE WRAITH A MUST PICK AGAIN, gibby has no fast heals and octane stims take 1/3 of your health.
    I just wanna play apex…but in season 1


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