Shadowlands Subtlety Rogue PvP – 2500 MMR Sub/Disc arenas – Subtlety is more than back !

Hey !

This video features several Subtlety Rogue Discipline Priest games in Shadowlands Pre-Patch.

When oyu play Sub/Disc you mostly CC healers and go for DPS. Sometimes you will do the other way around, although it’s less common. The important thing is, always CC someone, and then kill the other guy. Playing Sub, and having access to Shadow Dance, will allow you to land a lot of saps mid game, and when you do, you usually win the game.

Thanks for watching !


10 thoughts on “Shadowlands Subtlety Rogue PvP – 2500 MMR Sub/Disc arenas – Subtlety is more than back !”

  1. Hey at first i love ur Content, i watch it every day so good work 🙂
    can u explane me something in the fight of 5.50 pls.
    In the first opener u cheaped booth and kidney the kill Target (shaman) in the second one u kidney´d off target and cheaped the kill target and in the thrid u cheaped the off and kidney´d kill Target. My Question is what was ur intention for this, and not start you´r go always the same.
    Thank u!

  2. Thx for the video. I like the written text since I watch the videos on half speed to try to understand what is acutally happening and to predict what you would do next. I am wondering though, were all the wars and druids are, since all your matchups so far have been caster/heal (with a few exeptions) 😀

  3. Thanks for the longer video man. Really like the text explanations to see what you are thinking in the moment. Hope there is more videos like this in the future!


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