Ship sculpting in KSP 1.11

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5 thoughts on “Ship sculpting in KSP 1.11”

  1. I was shocked to see you doing KSP videos again and had to watch a bit while you were live, though I couldn't watch the whole thing.

    I do have an unoriginal idea for you, though. Have you ever considered doing Aurora 4X? I think it might play well for your fan base. Given that KSP is so labor intensive to get anything put out, noone could blame you at all for getting burnt out on it. I think Aurora would work well for your story telling side (if you can get your brain wrapped around it) and embellish on the emergent gameplay aspects. There's a few RP playthroughs going on out there right now… That tends to get viewers (like me) hooked when you get them (us) involved.

    Just a thought. I know I'd watch it.

  2. I dunno if you have a hand on keyboard while building but since you swap bitueen place/move/rotate mode allot those are bound from 1-3 key and 4 for the root part mode :))


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