Simple High Value Cypher SoloQ Plays – Valorant

Sometimes a simple plan is the best plan in soloq.

Peak’s Valorant Stream ⭐

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#Valorant #Cypher #Peak


42 thoughts on “Simple High Value Cypher SoloQ Plays – Valorant”

  1. Sometimes we all hit unlucky streaks or have very chaotic teams when we soloq. In those situations, I try to keep things as simple as possible, which means not making too in-depth plans, making sure it's very easy to understand the goal and what the job is for the players in that plan. When things are easy to understand and everyone understands what their job is, there's a higher chance that we'll be on the same page than if we'd make the thing as optimal as possible but risk complicating things too much.

    I'm personally fine with setting up my teammates for success because if my teammates win, I win as well! I try to look into what the team is good at, rather than what they're not good at. I hope that you guys will get some inspiration for when you hit those moments yourselves and to use your creativity to find solutions. Thank you so much for watching and see you guys next time ✌

  2. I mained cypher for some time after watching your video and it goes well. I've been trying other heroes (mostly omen) lately so I'm getting reds in my history. What I realize after watching this video is that I should go back to playing cypher.


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