[SPOILERS] Ysera REBORN – Shadowlands Cinematic REACTION and Analysis

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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Ysera Reborn. A new WoW Shadowlands cinematic from Blizzard showing Ysera and an interaction with the Winter Queen during the Shadowlands campaign in Ardenweald finale.

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49 thoughts on “[SPOILERS] Ysera REBORN – Shadowlands Cinematic REACTION and Analysis”

  1. Wait wait WAIT… what if they couldn’t bring it to Elune because her essence or soul was in Tyrande. That’s why you don’t see Elune, they couldn’t bring Ysera to her and why it’s nearly impossible for any elf to handle becoming the Night Warrior. It’s not just a part of her power but her soul and presence itself.

  2. The sister mentioned is deffinetly Eonar, Ysera and Alextrasa were both empowered by Eonar, Elune may be on the side of the Eonar and therefore have aided her but Eonar is still the being that empowered and made Ysera her "pet"

  3. “the titans acted through the keepers to transform Ysera and the others”. Eonar made Ysera, ie Eonar’s pet? Not Elune’s…..? ie Eonar and the titans are “siblings” to these Eternal Ones… ie Titans of Order and (false?)Titans of Death?

    If I brought my sister’s dog to the vet, that doesn’t make it my pet. It still belongs to her . . . I only “intervened”

    Brought it to me vs let it die (salvage its anima)

  4. Dude I like your vids but spoilering like this? In title and thumbnail? Bad move! Why the fuck are you doing that? ( Am in Maldraxxus atm and haven't watched the vid)

  5. I've been listening for so long, but now I see!

    The Eternal Ones are off Azeroth, the former.
    The one, awakened, not weakened. Before the war with the Jailer.
    Interesting…I'll need to further dwell on that.

  6. In my opinion, Elune and the Winter Queen are something more.
    In Ryan Kwon's comment below, Ardenweald, but if Ardenweald is relocated in Shadowlands, where was it original from? we can say the Emerald Dream, but it was created by one of the Titans on Azeroth, Freya or Eonar. Ardenweald and Emerald Dream can be connected seeing how when Cenarius died, he went to Ardenweald first then to the Emerald Dream to be resurrected/revived.
    It would seem that Ardenweald is already inside Shadowlands by the time Cenarius died fighting Grommash in Warcraft 3.
    I don't know, it's just my opinion.

  7. About 2 months ago on a live stream I brought up the line where she talks about her sister. Back then I believe you said that you and the team believed it was most likely just a bit of fun dialog but also said in the event her sister was a main real thing you and the boys had ideas. I might have missed further discussion but glad to see that my question wasn't completely useless lol

  8. Dude it’s not Elune , it’s more about Eonar , Eonar magic seems like nature more summer , look at her tample , and when she’s return us in battle agains Argus , And they can be “sisters” not in real but in circle of life , she’s the summer the titan of life , and winter queen is like a winter in nature , things die in winter but they will restor in next season it’s the circule of life and death in nature , bcs of this I think winter queen is from the shadowlands , if Blizzard was make Ardenwild more snow and less “life” it’s can be more clearly to see the circule of life and death in nature.

  9. Does that empowers my theory of the chance that Elune by cleansing Ysera after her death and transfering her straight to Ardenweald hit the Arbiter with the corruption that remained?

  10. Brain blast! What if death isn't the "one that will consume all others" mentioned in the ilganoth whispers about the six hungering mouths? I know the Shadowlands has The Maw and a lot of purple refer to it as "the hungering dark" but to those of us with a creative writing background it sounds like a red Herring. I actually think the "one that will consume all others" will either be order or disorder. I say this because Order has infiltrated all the other circles using us mortals. We are it's greatest weapon. Disorder has a weapon too, "the clever ones" The dread lords. They too have agents in every major sphere of the cosmos.

  11. What if the Winter Queen saying "This is of my Sister" means that ALL the pantheons/titans/eternal ones… are all the "children of the First Ones" meaning that all the pantheons are related, as in the children of the first ones!!! The Winter Queen recognizes that this seed is a creation of another Titan/Eternal One (Whatever the hell they are called)…
    This is kinda like Greek Gods. They were all siblings born to 'Greater Gods'… Something like each of the major powers (Life, Order, Light etc…) were borne from some Greater Gods… Somehow those Greater Gods retreated from our knowledge and left their "children' to rule, or the Children did something to their Parents? Greater Gods!
    This one very line is soooooo fucking crazy!!!!

  12. Dude, I just Googled the Dragon Aspects!!!! The Titans made the dragon aspects from Galgrond NOT Elune!!!
    Dam, look at shit from multiple points of view. You are close, but man, you are NOT over the target!
    She is
    YseraDragon.gif Ysera, the Dreamer

    The lithe green wyrm, and Alexstrasza's younger sister, chosen by Eonar to watch over the growing wilds of the world from her verdant realm, the Emerald Dream.
    ELUNE may have brought Ysera into Ardenweld… however, the seed, Ysera is OF EONAR!!!!!
    Come on man!!!!

  13. I already see the next expansion. Azeroth the World Soul will awaken. Let's not forget Deathwing. Remember the Dragon Flight took mortal form after Deathwings supposed death. Where is he? Could he be in the Shadowland and did he maybe turned mortal. Where is the Black Prince now? Could it be Deathwing who helped caused the Shadowlands problems at hand? Next expansion will have something to do with Deathwing, Dragon Flights and Azeroth World Soul. A 2nd Cataclysm!!!

  14. Hey guys, please bump this so Accolonn can see this message about the Winter Queen! @Accolonn, if you chose the fae for your covenant and fly back to them to receive the boon….right after, go to the amphitheater nearby. Keep clicking on the Winter Queen, to annoy NPCs as we all do. Listen to what she says about the jailor….

  15. Still think it is eonar! When she says "this one is in of my sister" I think she is talking about belonging to or created by. Elune was just there as a friend, Eonar made her what she is.


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