Spoopy Burny Lady | Hu tao Testing Day 1 | Genshin Impact Math Stream

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But if you have the extra spending money and want to help me whale for more characters and such for testing then ideally use the donation link above.
Thank you 😀

Hu Tao is out on the new Banner in Genshin Impact. Lets test out the Spoopy Pyro Lady in terms of her potential as a Charge Attack Carry (Which I think will be her best role by far). We’ll also be diving deep into testing Hu Tao Combos, Hu Tao Builds, Hu Tao Weapons, Hu Tao Combos, and just overall a whole bunch of Hu Tao things.

Our discord server the Mathalos Nest: https://discord.gg/AFDe7yM
Jinx Twitter: https://twitter.com/jinxmathalos
Tunert Twitter: https://twitter.com/jinxtuna
Tunert’s Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tuner

Link to my mess of a master spreadsheet for Genshin: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tXwNi_TPojdocCIci3v6nhd87kNwsmFpOjxJS3NKMKs/edit?usp=sharing

Link to the Data Gathering Discord Server we’re going over on today’s strim:

Be sure to check out the Links to Our Friend’s Stuff:

Link to Keqingmains Website: https://keqingmains.com/

Link to the r/keqingmain’s Discord: https://discord.gg/Keqing

Link to the r/childemain’s Discord: https://discord.gg/YdbCN2sfgG

Link to the Data Gathering Discord: https://discord.gg/ydwdYmr

Link to r/keqingmain’s theorycrafting library doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FaLYqA7MBow0DNBPUc2b9t_dEBhvRT-vs-l03PW0Wu8/edit#

Current Tier lists: https://tiermaker.com/user/611356

Huge thanks to our friend Heika for helping out with chat management in the streams!
Twitch: Twitchdottvforwardslashinfernoheika
And a huge thank you too to our friend Cyklov you taught me so much when I was starting the game!
You can find him somewhere on 4chan. Somewhere.
Tony can go suckaegg. A big old one. But he got a C2 Diluc with a 5 star Claymore so if you want some of his luck send anime lewds to
[email protected]


22 thoughts on “Spoopy Burny Lady | Hu tao Testing Day 1 | Genshin Impact Math Stream”

  1. TL;DW atm: Very high single target celling with the most caveats out of any character(Is your E up, do you have stamina, can you cancel animation well, how much HP, wut weapon, wut comp, are your support ready, etc…)
    Seems like Diluc is still the perfect oonga boonga Pyro carry and nobody is gonna replace him anytime soon.

  2. I really like hutao because it does not like feel like she needs to always be out. There are enough selfish dps already and the fact that she gives crit rate to the whole team after her e q combo chain when switching out, means she will fit into a lot more teams.

  3. She touches the mobs and they are instantly dead, super fast atk speed, and she is tough even at low HP. She is now the best pyro dps and I got all pyro characters. Welp old characters going to be phased out sooner or later. Feelsbadman

  4. Just my opinion. Hutao's ok but not broken (not saying you guys said that). Her burst dmg is highest within pyro character in some cases but it's conditionally based on whether you are in low hp and whether you have e and ult. Also the reason why the dmg is so high for the whale is cuz she got a perfect 5* weapon suitable for her in the game. If there are any new 5* weapon that has crit dmg and also gives high atk in passive for diluc and klee, then hutao might not be that standout for high number. My klee is c0 and I clear current 12-3 first half w/o childe and mona in 18s I think that is quite ok for the team has high ER which can constantly doing dmg combo. However, hutao is fun to play and her character design is really cute and her characteristic unique tho.

  5. Hutoas has 4000 atk for 7 secs 1400 atk for 7 secs 2700 atk per second if you consistently keep her on the field. Plus her atk pattern favors single target mainly. My recommendation use xinque 4000atk x1.5 with xinqiu vaporise for the 7 seconds on her skill makes her bonkers. Switch to xinqui for the 7 secs off time and regen ulti

  6. I don't think C1 is too valuable for more casual players, with certain comps. XQ's Q and HT's E both grant interruption resistance buffs which stack. When both are active, she can straight up spam CAs on the Primo Vishaps on Floor 12 without needing to dodge. She can go through two rotations before the passive stamina regen isn't enough during her E downtime.

    It only really matters if you wanna perfectly optimize damage, since eventually you run out of stamina, but at that point, might as well just run an instakill one-shot burst build.


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