TAHM KENCH REWORK 2022 Gameplay Spotlight Guide – League of Legends

TAHM KENCH REWORK 2022 Season 12 Gameplay Spotlight Guide, huge buffs and nerfs, moving him back to support from top lane. – League of Legends. Tahm Kench changes and old vs new comparison. 🔔K/DA AKALI COSPLAY AT 100K SUBS: http://bit.ly/RemusSub

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🔴Outro music: Johannes Bornlöf – Skyfall 1

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36 thoughts on “TAHM KENCH REWORK 2022 Gameplay Spotlight Guide – League of Legends”

  1. He was an ok support before last year rework. They take it out from bot. He was a good top before this rework. They take from top. so bye bye tahm we'll see you in your next role adjustment

  2. Probably hot take but I prefer having him as a toplaner. Support tahm is lackluster in comparison to many of the picks in that lane (his Q is a skillshot that doesn't go through minions and ONLY stuns if you manage to get up close and get hits in, W is VERY easy to dodge and leaves you open for a kill if they land any CC on you since it leaves you in a 2 v 1 situation, and his eating ability is now only usable after level 6, which is the start of mid game, so chances are that you are going to be in fights where your adc is even if you are not playing botlane; besides, his fighting style gives him the upper hand against melee champions, and is weak to kiting). Don't get me wrong, I think that he can be picked supp in some matchups, but honestly he's more like Shen to me: yes, he's gonna support you through damage soaking shields and clutch ults, but support is not necessarily his place, and he can stand his own ground at the toplane.

  3. I prefer not to see him. On top it's a near unkillable full tank stat-stick outtrading with tank broken as usual base damages. Then there is shield turning into sustain so trading in lane makes little sense. Take him back to support and give me back my ban, thanks.

  4. I dont think this changes will move him bot. He Is the allmost the same botlane, yeah he got a Better ult but its not what its gonna make him a Better support than bruiser. Also with his Q buff he Is gonna be more aggressive toplane. The Nerf on the E its balanced so i think nothing Is gonna change.

  5. i honestly think they'd never have to do this if they just designed him for support to begin-with since release, as oppose to trying to make him good for both solo and support. You not only alienated fans of his support playstyle at launch now, but also the people picking him up and exploiting him in top after the changes.

  6. I think bot lanes got enough, idk why they’re forcing him into a lane and then They want people like Darius and zed in the jungle because champions should work anywhere… he’s got like a 51% WR… what was the issue

  7. Finally, no more making lives of top-laners misirable. Honestly, Tahm has an extremely annoying kit to deal with as a tank, aspecially if you have no escapes or hard-control abilities, due to his passive, W and E.


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