TAILS DOLL!! | Tails Plays Friday Night Funkin Sonic Mods

Sonic & Tails face off against Tails Doll in Friday Night Funkin!
Play Friday Night Funkin : https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/770371

Download Original Mods! + Support the creators!
Sonic over BF: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190361
Tails over GF: https://gamebanana.com/skins/191341
Knuckles over Daddy Dearest: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190521
Shadow over Pico: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190841
Tails Doll over skid and pump : https://gamebanana.com/mods/186253

Rouge over mom & Knuckles Limo Mod : CuteyTCat

—— Tails and Sonic Pals Social Links ————
🦊Tails’ Twitter : https://twitter.com/TailsNSonicPals
🔷 FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/TailsAndSonicPals
🕊️ Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/BulmaBunnyGirl
❤️ Website : https://linktr.ee/BulmaBunny

———— Art Credits ————-

Tails Reaction Art : @CuteyTCat

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All Sonic The Hedgehog Characters are owned by Sega, This is a fan made parody channel created for Entertainment purposes.

#Sonic #FNF #TailsandSonicPals #Tails #FridayNightFunkin #SonicTheHedgehog #SonicMovie #SonicMovie2 #SonicMods


41 thoughts on “TAILS DOLL!! | Tails Plays Friday Night Funkin Sonic Mods”

  1. I am a fan of the game, but for some reason it is really slow on my computer even though I can run Generations at the lowest graphics settings.( I know I have a bad PC, there is nothing I can do about that right now)

  2. 1:18 no joke I heard tails say “calm down baby” and I go back again and then I hear “calm down maybe” idk why I heard the first thing but I just did and if you don’t like this Im sort


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