Tap Strafing Being Removed From Apex Legends #shorts

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This says it all for tap strafing being removed on Apex Legends! Now is the time to have a healthy discussion and provide input. Your comments and input matter!

Tap Strafing Removed Poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgwBKn_7TAPezNJcEBt4AaABCQ

#apexlegends #apexlegendsmovement #tapstrafing #shorts

This video is brief but covers tap strafing removed and to begin the discussion on apex legends tap strafing removal. This is coming in a future apex legends update and is going to be some of the largest apex legends news. This future apex legends patch is going to be a big hit to apex legends movement and unsure if this apex legends movement change and how it will impact the game.


48 thoughts on “Tap Strafing Being Removed From Apex Legends #shorts”

  1. This news and update for Apex Legends is going to be quite impactful. I need time to see every angle on the subject. But this is a moment to provide feedback and thoughts.

  2. I hope they find a way to remove it on jumppad or even after grapple, instead of eliminating it entirely. I understand using Tap strafe with the help of these ability to gain huge momentum shift when covering large distances is too strong and like they said "lack of counterplay".
    But it's really sad to see that I will never be able to quickly round a corner when looting (don't even use it that much in combat)

  3. Trying to nerf the game so two different platforms are balanced to play against eachother just isn’t possible. Don’t lower the skill ceiling just to make the casuals feel better

  4. Y’all pc players realize that we’re using are thumb on a tiny minuscule dead zone and u have a whole desk and ur using ur whole arm. U can make way more precise movements, I can’t believe u think aim assist is op, it literally makes it some what fair but if ur not a bot u should be shitting on consoles

  5. If Respawn's intention was balancing M&K with controller, they would have given the ability to tap strafe to controller players. This decision was made to lower the skill ceiling of the game.

  6. Fulfillment of Respawn's desire to level the playing field comes at the cost of its most loyal player base, the ones who have been playing since years and actually want to improve.

  7. I agree to remove Tap Strafe, but I think Aim Assist should also be nerf. Sometimes Professional gamers find it difficult to distinguish whether the opponent is a cheater or a controller user until they watch the opponent when they get a shot that seems impossible.

  8. I feel like it should be embraced for a increase in skill ceiling that can be learned fairly fast. I feel like they should make a movement tutorial. Rather than remove a chunk of the skill ceiling.

  9. They really ruining the fundamental fun mechanics of the game … With out some high skill aquired escape movement tech in hand ..this game is just now full of fucking ability with no SKILL DIFFERENCE between players… Don't know Dev's were drunk or stoned when making this decision, they so much other things to deal with yet they ruining fun experience from the game.

  10. Damn so all those 100+ hours in the firing range i spent pracitcing are now gone. The things that made apex , apex for me are gone, it's becoming slowly like all those other boring ass boots on the ground shooters like apex. Are we removing super gliding and wallhopping and redirecting next?, are we removing jitter aiming and reworking recoil cause controller can't do it even tho as a pc player i've put in 100-200 hours learning to jitter aim and still can't do it.

    Are we just gonna remove everything that takes skill from the game. Why should i play mouse and key and not controller there's no advantages anymore.
    Why would i play apex, it's pretty much becoming like warzone and every other shooters now.

  11. One thing people aren't considering.. is that this isn't a MnK vs Gamepad issue.
    I know a lot of Dazs' videos have stated that gamepad cannot tap strafe however thats not true.
    The only major requirement is to be able to tap strafe is being able to spam the forward movement button. That is quick to setup with a PC because you just bind it to scroll wheel.
    However no one is really taking into consideration the only thing that the scroll wheel is doing is basically acting as a turbo function.
    Anyone that is using a controller on PC or has a modded/third party controller with turbo function is able to perform a tap strafe as well.

  12. This is bad news….to me, Apex is the only real good Battle Royal FPS game. Warzone went in the wrong direction with BO and is not playable to this date. I hope they will not ruin Apex

  13. TS was the only thing that kept me from leaving this game, i used it for everything… Like at least every 10 seconds maybe more

    Guess im going back to titanfall 2

    Please comment another game with great movement mechanics

    What a shame

  14. I think as a game that relies so heavily on both movement and positioning, I believe it’s important for both controller players and KBaM players to be able to do essentially the same things. I’m torn about this because I’ve only recently begun to use tap-strafing. I love the movement. I know from experience that controller is much more difficult to do all movement with, despite having back paddles.This is probably a good patch only because all players will have the same capabilities.

  15. If they remove tap strafe , they should give mnk aim assist that is as strong as console ,LOL. TBH it's a fucking retarded thing to do . Although apex devs are not at all known for their intelligence.

  16. in most games, u get banned or penalized for using a mechanic in ranked/comp that wasnt meant to be in the game(abusers). why are people acting like this was so significant and important to the game when it wasn't supposed to be there. I play MnK on a few shooters and controller on apex/cod and the movement difference is very big, idk how anyone thats not just wanting the world to bend to their needs would think this should be in the game when they already can do so much more compared to controller players…if itztimmy runs into me he will stump me into the ground already so why would he also need to have additional unnatural movement

  17. i play on controller but by going onto steam and controller config you can basically assign the W A and W D to diff buttons essentially sacrificing a button or two to strafe. I'm salty its going. I would love to see the ability to strafe while looting to compensate

  18. I love how they remove tap strafing yet I see about 1-2 hackers every 5 games in ranked boosting some level 500, like Jesus Christ respawn get your fucking priorities straight.

  19. Controller player here…
    Nah keep tap strafe, just means I have to work harder and play smarter. I almost always solo grind to Diamond 2. (Not bragging, it is what it is) Need to grind more and maybe be more cautious when chasing.

    We have aim assist lol it's balanced… a little

  20. Redirect – Wall bounce will not be the same expect that…. Imagine editing the Strafing program of the game which is the foundation so every movement involve will have a somewhat effect on it.

  21. Hi, I would like to ask a question and find out your opinion as an experienced player and a good shooter, I recently came across the fact that people say that you need to disable the "full screen optimization windows 10" option in the exe file of games, people say that this has a negative effect on the performance of the system and causes an additional input lag that prevents people from leading the target and shooting accurately. From my own experience, I cannot say, I played in two variations and I cannot feel it, so I am interested in your opinion on this issue.

  22. i think that tap strafing should either be in only kbam lobbies maybe make it harder or even more accessible but i dont think that flat out removing is not healthy for the movement in the game centered around movement. πŸ™‚ have a nice day


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