The Frostner Hammer Is Awesome! | Valheim 2021

in this video I will show you how awesome the Frostner Hammer is and how to get it in Valheim.

★★★ Legendary Support starts here★★★
★★ Tips★★
♬Epidemic Music Referral♬


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6 thoughts on “The Frostner Hammer Is Awesome! | Valheim 2021”

  1. I've been sticking with Axe/Mace combo with shield, there is no reason not to use a shield, it effectively increases your survivability so much it's crazy. Axe doubles as a weapon, it's not just a tool for woodcutting, and works well against anything that isn't undead. For anything that is undead, just swap to a mace. The real winner however is the Bows, they are free damage as long as you can stay out of melee. So my general combat rotation goes: Bow the most dangerous enemy until they close distance, pull 1h/shield combo once uncomfortable with their position, backpedal and keep blocking, swing when the opportunity presents itself or I can get a parry without killing myself in a swarm of enemies. Overall loving Valheim so far, just wish it was a bit more persistent world friendly for larger scale multiplayer.


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