The Most TILTING Role in League of Legends

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38 thoughts on “The Most TILTING Role in League of Legends”

  1. That's why I never flame. I swear, every 2nd game my team flames our jungler over and over, even going afk/trolling typing "jng diff".
    I always have to keep everyone calm and keep my teammates from going afk or just flame the entire game spamming ff when it's on cd. It feels like i am taking care of 4 children.

  2. Disagree. In solo q my experience has been people saying the whole team is trash or jumping on whoever has most deaths. Yeah I'll sometimes see ppl fail ganks and shit on the jgler but by the end of the game they'll be asking to 9x report the adcarry for going 0/9. And the "jg has to worry about every role" just simply isn't true. It doesn't matter if ur top, mid or jg. A feeding bot lane is ur problem regardless. If ur an adcarry, having ur nasus feed fiora is a problem for you too. Not just the jgler. Basically what I'm saying is the toxicity and reality of losing lanes is the same throughout all roles. I main jungle, but came from adcarry then toplane before settling in jg. That's been my experience

  3. I see jungle as sort of a clash of dieties in heaven.

    Sometimes you're the god of destruction and deceit and other times you are god of finding a penny every now and then. Mid and bot are devotees who want everything for themselves and give nothing in return, while top is the atheist who refuse to believe I have a job to do in this world.

  4. Man skooch i love you vids. But in my opinion you don't have to release so many videos a week, i got a feeling you are pressuring yourself into your schedule. I don't mean to say quality over quantity, because the quality of your videos are still extremely high, they are just a little to short in my opinion. This was an 8 min video with a 1 and half minute ad (+ the youtube ad, but don't mind that).

  5. /mute all the best friend to a jungl xD its so fing true when i was playing consistently i would mute all every games cause the info you can get in chat are not worth the trashtalk you get evry 10 sec

  6. for me jg diff is more like enemy jg perma mid and my jg not useing it to get other lanes ahead or gatting all objectives or atleast invades or at least counter ganking instead of farming and sayng i am trash when i play 1vs2 lane and i manage too not die adn not get behind and that ladies and pussys is jg diff

  7. As an ADC main, I have to say that I, too, deal with the other 9 people in the game. Get 4 man tower dove twice before 12 minutes? Bot diff. Get killed by the 10/0 Jax because you walked out of your tower range? Bot diff. Didn't start walking to your jg's top side for a skirmish at 8 mins? Bot. Diff. And this is just shit that happened YESTERDAY.

    And don't worry all you players of other roles that love to shit on ADCs, trust me. No one hates ADCs more than ADCs. The whole reason I became an ADC was so that I wouldn't have to put up with their shit LOL

  8. As a support main from season…whatever the time was when u could unlimited ward….I actually ward…and pink ward. I almost always carry a spare pink ward with me around as well, mid to late game…as a friggin' bronze ;__; (now htat I think about it…that might be the reason why my income efficiency is pretty bad on my profile |D)
    Pls don't hate me ;__;
    I don't care about kda…warding score is my lifeline…pretty much.
    Also, warding war is the only war I know |D

  9. Jungle is indeed just the worst role when you want to remain calm. Anytime something bad happens, you're blamed for it, the laners will cry and steal your jungle camps to intentionally put you behind, and they will fuck you over for no reason tons of times.
    Simple example: the botlane asks for my help, I come near it so our Thresh can give me a lantern and I can gank easily, he doesn't and the botlane dies because I just can't come. This happens a second time, I politely ask the Thresh why he doesn't give me the lantern, and his answer is "I don't like you" when I did absolutely nothing that could have tilted him. That's gold elo.

    A large portion of laners are inbred bastards who use their jungler as a punching-bag and will scream the most incoherent shit every single game, and as a jungler you're expected to hard carry 3 or 4 of these at least half of your games, which isn't possible. I main Evelynn and my stats greatly outclass the average gold Eve and are equal or better than the average Master Eve in every single way, despite that I cannot reach plat because there is a ceiling to the amount of carrying a jungler can bring to the table.
    There is nothing you can do when you get a Darius who manages to get dominated by a gangplank in lane, or the Yone/Yasuo who perma-dives mid, or the usual Teemo/Akali top that gets crushed. When elo hell grabs you, you're never getting out of it as a jungler no matter how skilled you are. Sure it's easy to climb with a fresh account, but force a challenger to only play jungle on an account that has been trapped in elo-hell, and they'll need months to get it out of there.

  10. yeah, imo Jng is the most difficult role in the game, Imagine support as a babysitter for an ADC, now that you have that image in your mind, Jungler is the ACTUAL babysitter for his entire team. Imo the most noob friendly roles are either top or bottom lanes.
    This is coming from someone who was maining jungle for like two years. Jungle means you have to farm your camps, gank your lanes, counter enemy ganks, ward, clear enemy wards, and take dragon, rift. And if you're a noobie, also learn the game.
    While top just needs to farm and push/hold. Same with bot.
    How the actual fuck is jungle noob friendly? it is the most demanding role in the game.

  11. i dont blame the jungler for not ganking the lane when we are perma pushed and dived,
    but o god, if we kill his bot lane / midlane / jungle and you dont come to do the fucking drake i m reporting you


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