The PS5 Just Got The Biggest News Any Gen! I Can't Believe Sony Actually Pulled This Off!

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Sony has managed some incredible things so far this generation, but none compare to this news right here! If you’re a PlayStation 5 owner or just a fan of console gaming, this is exactly what you want to hear and I think it really goes over well with how amazing the product itself is, and just how much thought and effort went into this!


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26 thoughts on “The PS5 Just Got The Biggest News Any Gen! I Can't Believe Sony Actually Pulled This Off!”

  1. i told you all b0ts! the xbox series s is holding back next gen gaming! 😂😂😂
    "It's no different from the previous generations where the system with the lowest specs does end up dictating a few of the things you're going to do because you're going to have to run on that system."
    — Thomas Puha, Remedy Entertainment

  2. The only people who should excited is investors of the company and receiving a dividend. And your video is a Xbox Game pass game, so your profiting Xbox, lmao

  3. I got to say I give more credibility to the 8 generation back in the PS3 and the Xbox 360 era. Many people are saying the PlayStation 5 currently hard to get so I got to say kudos to the PlayStation 5 I've been enjoying it it's been over 4 months since I had the system when it first launched looking forward to getting the Xbox series X so so when that time comes I'm ready especially the launch of the switch Pro whenever it comes out.

  4. So what was the big news?

    How about making a video on something important, like how Sony is killing off the Playstation 3, PSP and PS Vita stores, with almost no way to preserve some of these older games?


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