The Quest to be Reunited (Genshin Impact)

so i played the new “We Will Be Reunited” archon quest in genshin impact…

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42 thoughts on “The Quest to be Reunited (Genshin Impact)”

  1. lumine pls tell the abyss order to stop fighting me i beg u

    this video is the longest one yet and i honestly just didn't want to split it into two videos for some reason

    internet is still not the best and it takes a while to upload a long video like this, so i'm sorry for the wait!

  2. Spoiler Warning:

    In the Genshin Impact Manga do we see Venti talk with Venessa and his thoughts show Robe wearing Figures.

    Since Venti was not originaly the God to watch over Mondstadt, but Decarabian, the God of Storms. I think that the Unknown God is only one of many that are not only more Powerful, but also higher in Rank as the Seven Archons(Escaption being Zhongli since he fought with other Gods over the Rule over Liyue).

    The Abyss Order wants to take Revenge in these High Gods (Elder Gods, lol) by destroying the Seven Nations they formed and have overseen by the Seven. They are not strong enough by themself to destroy Celestia which is why they have the Plan to weaponize Osial to destroy Celestia.

    The Tsaritsa wants to break free from the chackles that bind the Seven to the choices made by Celestia, the big Bosses of the Archons. Which is another Reason why Venti did not wanted to Rule over Mondstadt since he would be bound by Celestia and "their" descisions.

    That was a lot and I didnt go into Detail yet. Questions and resulting discussions are welcomed

  3. lmao dain said he wanted to protect the eye by himself since he cannot trust anyone but he just ran super sonic speed into the portal which he doesn't even know what's inside. Probably more heralds or hydro abyss mages.

  4. If u guys are wondering why the first Field Tiller was there, if u can see the floating nation of Celestia is pointed in that direction. He didn't just go there without any reason, he was trying to aim for Celestia, the nation of gods but nonetheless the missiles he shot missed and instead damaged some of Mondstadt

  5. After that mission I lost a little of the confidence I had in the Archons in general, including Venti and Zhongli. I know they are good people, though …. They are hiding a lot of things

  6. The celestia can be seen in the sky when the traveler find the first Field Triller. It seems that the first Field Triller is still aiming the celestia even it has run out of power. It may try to fight with the celestia and the gods until the end.

  7. Am I the only one who’s kind of suspicious how well Paimon is taking all of this?

    I mean, she’s barely even phased when she learns that not only is her travel companions sister probably the leader of the Abyss Order, but the Abyss Order themselves where once citizens of Khaenri’ah.


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