The Wingman is Next… (probably) Apex Legends

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►I think the wingman is going to get nerfed as people begin to complain about the gun – despite my personal opinion of it being pretty balanced of a gun overall! I have a feeling it’s in part due to a lot of the stronger weapons of the past getting nerfed, and so user usage is shifting more to the wingman…

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32 thoughts on “The Wingman is Next… (probably) Apex Legends”

  1. The one time I have to comment lol. The wingman is 100% the strongest gun in the game (except for maybe the Kraber) and it 100% needs a nerf (but maybe not in the way people might expect). It's ammo efficient, has very high damage per shot, has a high fire rate, is very accurate at range, has pistol strafe speed (faster than rifles or any other type of gun). The mix of high damage and mag sizes means you can kill pretty much any shielded player with a naked wingman (no attachments) and a fully kitted wingman can kill an entire end game team, quickly, with no reloading required.

    To me personally: The biggest problem with the wingman at the moment is the insane accuracy at range and the efficiency of ammo / attachments. Some potential nerfs that could make it a lot less oppressive: 1) Decrease the damage and/or accuracy at long range (like they did the charge rifle). 2) Somehow change the ammo type? OR make it take more than one ammo per shot so it needs more ammo in a bag / cannot be spammed.

  2. I like the Wingman where its at. I suck with it. But in the right hands it does a lot of damange. If I were forced to nerf it, I would maybe just slow down the rate of fire the tiniest little bit. Like 20% slower than what it currently is.

  3. Gotta love when "pros" complain abt a gun, then use it, might as well be screaming controller player while they're at it, its a good gun, no the rampage needs to be next, or the alternator, or hey maybe even the charge rifle, you shouldn't let them define the game its sooo sad

  4. So what i see alot of good players do is basically pop in and out of existence.
    With assault rifles you need to track for a bit, exposing you for a short moment.

    The wingman is perfect because you can pop in and out of cover while not necessarily seeing decline in damage. If you peek for 2 shots, that's nearly 100 damage..
    For a split second.

    I guess i can see what they mean.
    It does change the gunplay I think.

  5. Look im just gonna say it.

    Pros complaining that the gun that rewards accuracy is strong is kinda just dumb.
    Like, wow. The gun that rewards you for being accurate at the cost of "If you miss 1 shot you are probably going to die immediately" is a high damage weapon.
    I wonder why?

  6. Its not that the wingman is op its just performs better that the rest of the weapons. And when you get to the higher leagues its basically a wingman meta and they need to change that to stop the game from getting stale

  7. Personally, i think the wingman needs a nerf, cuz yea its skill for reward, but when that “skill” also comes from hipfire RNG, it kinda seems dull to call it a skill for reward

    A nerf i could see is nerfing the damage to 30 or 35 bodyshot and like 75 close range headshot over 97 cuz i dont think a pistol should do nearly sniper type damages, yes the sentinel does so much more damage, but you gotta remember the longbow just kinda co-exists with the wingman, cuz their damages are pretty similar, aka the longbow has 55 bodyshot and 118 headshot (yes more than the wingman but you can shoot the wingman SO much faster) and with the longbow being in the crafting rotation, its rendered 80% more useless cuz really, whens the last time you actually saw a longbow user? Anyways, i think it should just get a damage nerf or get more damage falloff at least

  8. Honestly, the OG Wingman in Season 0 was kind of busted but where it is right now, I really think its perfectly fine. Its the definition of high risk high reward. If you just have a bad volley, you're not gonna get anything done. If you get a really good volley in, say goodbye to the team you're smoking.


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