This is my Apex Legends Season 11 Wishlist…

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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39 thoughts on “This is my Apex Legends Season 11 Wishlist…”

  1. Hey! I think a series/playlist where you basically go super in depth into the mechanics, ways to play, basically a huge how to series for all players. And the further the series goes you could Increase the skill/depth content. How to use certain guns and combos, certain team comps, each legend tutorial. Similar to MTashed “crucible school” in destiny. I know hundreds of people who used that specific series to improve in that game tremendously and it was highly enjoyed. I think your personality and knowledge would be awesome for some thing like this !!! Love ya man 🖤

  2. I just wish death boxes didn’t interfere with movement. So annoying when you have death boxes piled near a door and you can barely crouch in time to get out.

  3. I hear you talk about the office in a few videos. I live in scranton where it is based. There is an actual paper company there you can go to and get memorabilia from the show

  4. LTMs are such a weird issue. Their greatest era was back when they'd come out fairly regularly as a separate playlist, but understandably that impacted queue times. So Respawn made them replace pubs. Which of course, people didn't like because sometimes you just want a regular ol' game of Apex. So then they made the LTMs less obtrusive, with smaller, less gameplay-altering changes, which just made them boring. Then after some really broken ones back in season 8 they just kind of fizzled out.

    I dunno what Respawn should do about it. I miss them, but I totally get how they're tricky to get right. Personally I can live with slightly longer queue times if they just went back to the old method of making it a separate playlist. But really I think the best idea is as follows:

    Make the LTM part of the map rotation. When the LTM is live, it comes around every half hour or something. People who just want some pubs can have their pubs, those of us who want some LTM games will have them too. And the queue times are unaffected!

  5. Cross progressions will not be happening any time soon. Apex is owned by EA, and any way they can make money, they will take it. They will not allow you to use skins/legends on multiple accounts, they want to force you to buy it on every platform.

  6. With Ash arriving in Season 11 does Wraith need a tweak to her kit abilities? Her passive (voices in her heard) has always been a bit useless. Her tactical was also nerfed a while back so that it is no longer a reliable escape. Ash will have a similar portal ability. So what's left for Wraith in this meta?


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