This Is Respawn's Plan To SAVE These Legends! But Will They Get It Right? – Apex Legends

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Nobody plays Wattson, Crypto and Rampart and they are in serious need of some buffs, but luckily Respawn has a plan to save them. Will their plan work? Let’s hope so! We know Rampart will get a big season 10 buff and it’s likely Crypto and Wattson will get buffs in future seasons.

0:00 Respawn’s plan For Rampart/Crypto/Wattson
2:55 Crypto Season 10 Gameplay
8:05 Wattson Solo Gameplay

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37 thoughts on “This Is Respawn's Plan To SAVE These Legends! But Will They Get It Right? – Apex Legends”

  1. Crypto drone could have a sonar passive, when in position all the legends caught in his vision get higlited but what if your drone could scan behind cover, walls and floors every 5~15 seconds just briefly show you all people position In a 360 radius, it doesn't need to follow them or highlights their movement like blood and seer, could be like old bloodhound scan, it used to highlight you for an instant showing your position at the time the scan hit you

  2. My suggestions for Rampart and Crypto balancing.

    – Give him an option to instantly deploy his drone overhead, without having to pilot it. For example, if you hold down your Tactical button, you'll enter it as normal, but if you just tap it, it'll fly 20 feet straight up in the air, looking down at a 45 degree angle in the direction you're facing. This would give him an option to actually be at least somewhat useful to his team when in a gunfight/getting pushed.

    – Increase wall deploy speed by 50%, lower number of charges she can carry to 2 (she can still deploy more if she's holding an area for a longer period of time). This would make her stronger in close-range gunfights.
    – Give the ultimate a longer overall cooldown and reduced hitpoints, but picking it up fully recharges your ult timer. If it's destroyed, it resets to 0%. One of the big issues with her ult is that you can put it down in a seemingly good spot, but the fight then moves away and it's instantly useless. This would allow her to re-deploy it more easily, but gives the enemies counterplay by destroying it.

  3. Rampart should carry her LMG like minigun with 15% movement reduction and recoil like L-Star so it's still better than stationery turret but that's basically free 3rd gun to spray and dispose without wasting ammo. Wattson ult should make the battery and cell recharge time 25% reduced so 3 second cell would be 2.25sec 5 second battery will be 3.75seconds or alternatively Cell use is like golden armour gives 2 bars of armour recharge and battery use time is 25% faster or just make the Armour passive recharge faster current ult is just anti grenades the armour recharge is just joke thung which doesn't really do much. Crypto need is just press tactical ability key will deploy drone where you are standing and it will hover there for surveillance and you can aim walls and press tactical will send drone to that wall and attach itself there for surveillance holding down tactical key will allow you to go into manual operate mode like the current Crypto. This is important because aim where you want set drone makes it easier to move drone without manually control it yourself and you can still help team in gun fight it will make the EMP use easier too just aim near enemy and press tactical key will send drone there like Mirage bamboozle then you can use EMP. The idea is kind of like D.VA ult in Overwatch where she sends her Mecha to explode just like that Crypto can send drone towards them and EMP without actually controlling drone in manual.

  4. i personally am a dedicated wattson main, love love love her ult, and her fences can be useful if you use them correctly, but very situational especially when you like to play aggressive like i do, but her ult works for that play style for nades, and after her passive buff the shield heal with the ult up is decently fast, less so for your teammates which is a bit of a shame. Not 100% sure what they could change for her to make her even better, but as it is a person who doesn't play her all the time may not be as big of a fan of her. Id like to see something added to her kit to make her more useful to her team, and less of a complete rework as i could see myself missing things if they took it away.

  5. in my opinion, a good buff for crypto is faster access to drone and friendly fire off for his ult. for watson it'll better to increase her armor regen rate. and lastly for rampart, faster build for wall and ult will make her fun again

  6. I still to this day will always question your aim gamingmerchant it's to good and I watch a ton of apex streamers who don't nearly have as good of accuracy like you 98% of your shots hit……. Questionable very questionable🤔.
    still keep up the good content and stay wholesome.

  7. idk if this would be too op but I think crypto should be invisible when he uses his drone and enemies can only see him if they get close to him.
    And for Wattson, maybe she could charge her fences with shield cells so they can do more damage.

  8. Wattson buff idea:

    Passive: can see ultimate accelerants through walls within a short range and be able to stack them in her inventory OR be able to see enemy equipment through walls within a short range and regenerate shield just a tad bit faster

    Tactical: double tap the Tactical button top quickly place the most recent fence without being vulnerable, this will use 3 fence nodes instead of 2, reduce the fence cooldown to 15 seconds, and increase the fence damage just a little bit

    Ultimate: make it last 110 seconds and the placement range is increased a little bit and it doesn't block friendly ordnance except for gibby and Bangalores ult

  9. Hi I play bloodhound and crypto, and I think not just Watson rampart and crypto need a buff but also Pathfinder seeing he doesn't have a passive and caustic with his gas being more like smoke.

  10. Watson’s ult should increase the charge of her teammates abilities (pretty slow). Or act as a larger heat shield in the storm I mean she did create the storm. As a Watson main I really don’t see a problem with her she just takes many hours to get decent with. Landing at streamer building and putting fences on the zips is op😭

  11. Wattson:
    Make her fences automatically connect to each other if they're within range, rather than manually connect the dots.

    Give him some kind of warning system when enemies are nearby and he's using his drone. Also make his EMP cancel heals + revives, and remove that from Seer.

    Add the ability to manually turn walls that are already placed to face a different direction. Also maybe the ability to throw the walls to place them further. A good buff to her ultimate would be to have the minigun be placed with a smaller shield wall already attached to the front.

  12. As a crypto main with almost 100 wins on him i think his tactical is fine. Its supposed to be lacking because of his ult being busted. But they nerfed thr hell out of it. Remember when he did 100% emp dmg? I would bring that back or at least 75%. Or keep it at 50% and not allow shield heals (since they look electronic as well) for like 5 seconds or something. And maybe give him a real passive since he doesn't really have one. (Im hoping for a cryptos map room scan off of regular beacons. Thatd be sick)

  13. Wattson could be saved with just a bit of attention, she is already powerful (buff would be nice tho), just neglected. Give her an heirloom, give her an event, give her at least one skin that isn't doodoo and she is saved.

    Crypto needs a full rework. Make the drone follow crypto or let crypto set a path which the drone follows on its own.

    EDIT: Wattsons fences are fun it's true, but I realised after posting, there are too many legends who can instantly destroy them with one click. Fuse, Crypto, Caustic, Wraith, Pathfinder and sometimes even Horizon. They all have counter to the fences. One click and bam, fences are worthless. So yes, BUFF pls.

  14. Rampart:
    Make her stationary turret into a portable weapon. Cut the ammo count, damage, and fire rate by a bit for balance, but allow her to whip it out and tote it around instead of being locked in place. I also figure she should be able to toggle holding it by pressing the Ultimate button, and while she carries it maybe she can't sprint or climb walls but she trades for being able to tote around a big gun till it runs out of ammo. When it runs out, just give it a minute or two to recharge and she gets it again.

    New Passive buff to energy weapons. Basically give her free turbocharger and similar buff to what Rampart receives for LMGs. Make her shield regen on-par with Octane's health reven. Buff her ultimate so it charges ally shields faster. I'm not familiar with how her fences work but I feel like they could be streamlined a bit more for easier placement and just buffed overall.
    Edit: maybe give her a "quick placement" option, where if you double-tap the Tactical button, she sets two fences automatically about a door-width apart?

    Give the drone 4 settings while active (imagine a selection pop up similar to selecting grenades or healing items):
    1. Follow. Drone will hover near Crypto, providing highlighting of enemies within his field of view.
    2. Orbit. Drone will circle closely around Crypto, scanning like a radar.
    3. Birds-Eye. Drone will float high above Crypto, aiming at the areas ahead of him to scan for enemies from above.
    4. Manual. Self explanatory.
    In every one of these settings, the Drone can be shot and disabled for a short time, but it can also serve to protect Crypto from a few shots as well. His Ultimate can also be used while the Drone is in any of these settings. A fifth option might be for the Drone to automatically target and seek out enemies, but that might be a bit of a task to program.
    Edit: in every one of these modes, the Drone will also make its usual sound while moving, providing a deterrent to just leave the Drone actively following you all the time unless you want to get heard.

    Lifeline could also use a rework:
    Healing Drone can be used with 3 charges, each time it is used on an ally and attached to them. A full 3 charges would heal a single person all the way if she only placed a single Drone on them, if she places 3 drones on 3 total teammates, each one would receive roughly 1/3 of their health back. Her ultimate also feels underused, I figure it could be swapped out for a more buffed version of her current healing Drone, sticks around for longer and heals more health total at a faster rate. Downside is maybe it can be shot and destroyed, but at that point if it still heals enemies then it's more of an invitation to push than a deterrent, so get rid of the enemy healing factor altogether.

  15. I main Crypto, and I can say you get used to his limited mobility- as well as drone use. It can be a massive pain when you have 2-3 squads in the area to have to pull out the drone to EMP, or get a visual, but knowing where to hide can make all the difference. I hope he does get a heirloom soon though! I'm thinking a katana would be cool, and seems fitting.

  16. How about crypto been buff by can be using ult while running,..just by trowing it behind him and trigger it with a little bit delay(time to run out from emp),..then the drone go up just a bit(with the current surrounding [just height] )

    Reduce half the stun time and damage if the user get hit by his own drone(team mates to,..probably to much)

  17. I think to make Wattson more mobile, her ultimate should be strapped to her back when she uses it rather than placed on the ground (still has the timer).
    Crypto could have his drone enter a “Follow Me”, “Follow Enemy”, or “Patrol Area” mode so that he can still fight while his drone is moving around although I feel like this would be very hard to implement. This also doesn’t solve the issue of no drone = no abilities.
    I honestly don’t play Rampart enough to know how to fix her; maybe she could move while using her ult at the cost of some speed?

  18. I really wanna see Crypto get a new passive, his old being moved to his drone, called "under the Radar" where he's unable to be detected by scans, infra-red scoped, etc. but if it's too powerful, maybe can be activated while using his drone


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