This ONE THING Makes LOW ELO Insanely Easy! – League of Legends

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29 thoughts on “This ONE THING Makes LOW ELO Insanely Easy! – League of Legends”

  1. As a mid laner I learned something from this guide, yes most times I knew when my laner is setting me up for a gank or when theyre overextended/overstaying for me to either kill them die to the mistake they made or if Im playing with a sensible jg player I ping them to come get the kill. But watching just gave me a better insight on how and when to roam. Loving these tips man, keep them coming

  2. Sivir did kill Yuumi though before you killed her, she made the best out of this situation. She got the gold and a free recall with grey screen :D. Yes she dies, but her getting gold is more important than giving you gold to be honest.

    6:15 how is this the case? Your gank would have failed if Ahri didn't come back to try and help Lee.

  3. I've eben struggling with this question for weeks now: which is more important for a jungler- kiting or information gathering by looking at the lanes?

  4. To be honest, what I'm really unconfortable right now is that sometimes, the leads that I'm getting seems like they are not enough.

    As a top laner, sometimes I'm winning my matchups, and in a somewhat balanced game I would have no problem being ahead.

    But after lane phase, you have all kinds of inbalances that is hard to deal with…

    Maybe I'm just tilted with the last game I played. But, it is really tough when you realize you are really trying to stomp but your advantages just aren't enough.

    (Or maybe I just need to respect more mid game, that the game is only over when it is over.)

    I just lost a game after taking down 2 inhibitors at 25 min.

  5. Dude that first ahri gank should not have worked…. She had ulti up, and she escaped. The only reason it worked is because she went back in and inted…. You were not able to burst her during Annie stun before she was able to get out.

  6. I was playing at autofill jg kayn on iron4, the normal thing to do is birds into r.golem but i was invaded at blue and i go there to ensure i can use flash + smite to keep my b. golem. What happens is that they kill me, they get my buff and they win the game in only 30min. My teammates tell me repetedly to not waste my time into trying to contest that invade but i still go with not a change of mind. So thanks for reading me, i am learning a lot by knowing (recognice my mystakes) that i need to be able to change body lenguage and change my chooises on the game.

  7. 6:13 Well, in fairness it is an Ahri. She probably got cocky because she's a pretty safe champ with that ult, unless she's being greedy with it. That, or she wasn't paying attention to the map, lol.

  8. When he showed Ahri lvl 5 asking if the gank would work : Yes probably. Then she levels to 6, wait no… No way the gank works now… Then he ganks… Ahri escapes… Wth ! Ok, she slowly walked back into the fight for no reason to die, but it has nothing to do with your plan.

  9. the good old "this doesnt happen in my games" it happens pretty much every single game if not 100% of games and you yourself probably do those "mistakes" and overextend in every game below dunno diamond and in diamond this also still happens plenty. if you actually think that this doesnt happen u're iron 4 for a reason.

  10. So, on another video I just pointed out the fact that in low ELO junglers don't gank lanes where enemy is constantly pushing in. Even if I am a full health laner farming under tower and pinging for a gank to relieve pressure or get a kill. I get the answer that by farming under turret there is no kill pressure. Yet, here is a clip exactly showing the kill pressure.

  11. I will say that there are some jgs that do end up deserving the flame. Its not like they do for the most part. I might be a lucky person and not see too much jg flame from my teammates, or I just am too busy with playing the game to notice. However, there is the occasional enigma jg who basically decides to afk farm cause he has deemed that he shouldn't ever gank any of the lanes cause he doesn't see "potential" or whatever. These people will be farming near an objective and the team is saying we should contest and he ignores pings even though all we have to do is scare them off of the objective in the pit and when the enemy is taking something like baron or elder, while the rest of the team realizes that we need to steal it or they might end, he's on the other side of the map "counter jungling."

    TBH, those people are the type of people that throw shade on the jg role in general and make other players a bit more vocal cause they aren't fans of jgs that let the enemy jg do whatever they want while they are farming for the most part.

  12. On my opinion the gank at min 6 isnt a safe gank, for sure Ahri needs to recall afterwards but the real thing here was that ahri was willing to die for your Shutdownt. If she wouldnt have got so cocky at the end it wouldnt have been an kill on her for sure because of her lvl 6

  13. I'm sorry to say that but the video works only if you play in NA servers, in EUW or KR servers even low elo isn't that terrible at the game (I mean plat 2 and lower till I think gold 3 or 4)


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