Top 10 Times Video Game Streamers Got What They Deserved

Whether it happened while streaming or off camera, all of these gamers ended up suffering the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, not every streamer …


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42 thoughts on “Top 10 Times Video Game Streamers Got What They Deserved”

  1. XD americans being triggered by hasan calling out american imperialism is the most satisfying thing on the internet for me. maybe they should calculate how many 9/11's they inflected on the middle east before the retaliation.

  2. I'm not 100% on whether this counts as 'streamer', but all the Theory channels (Game, Film and Food) on YouTube that are connected to the GTLive channel that streams. MatPat, Steph and the rest of the theorist team are incredible people and have done a few streams for charity that I'm aware of. St Jude in particular. They're very generous and caring, and they bring a lot of education to their various communities in fun ways too.

  3. I like to watch Bryan Dechart and his wife Amelia Rose Blaire. They've done several streams that have supported charities and like to give their fellow actors/voice actors a TON of support and respect to help promote them. They also love animals and encourage other a very positive community.

  4. ninja is kind of cringe and annoying but I thought it was pretty crazy and neat that he raided the small stream I was watching. Could have just raided someone he was friends with instead, and his chat wasn't full of complete idiots either.


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