Twitch Streamers BLAME my MOVEMENT on Aim-Assist

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30 thoughts on “Twitch Streamers BLAME my MOVEMENT on Aim-Assist”

  1. hey can you or anyone answer a quick question of mine? I know this all come down with experience and practice but I really need help

    I play on ps4, every time i see movement when it comes to controller, it always look so fluid and idk if it because you guys play on pc and just have higher frames. but when i try to do simple things such as a slide jump, i always either death slide or it seem like i never go far at all. I know momentum carry in this game and i feel like that part of the reason as to why my movement sucks cause im not used to it, but I really need help with this. I pride myself with my movement in other games and that what im known for with my friends but yet in this game i feel like i just cant do anything right.

  2. Gotta say, it's kind of an honor to die by someone who's godly at this game xD I'd rather die to a good player over a group of bad players all shooting me at once, then t-bagging my box.


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