WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU PULL FOR ZHONGLI | Best Build, Analysis, and Teams | Genshin Impact Math

Now that Zhongli is back on banner and has been buffed let’s talk about Zhongli. Post Buffs, Zhongli is an unparalleled comfort support. However he is very resin expensive to run.
Ultimately Zhongli as a support is going to make your runs A LOT more comfortable due to the power of his shield and Crowd Control on his ult.
However getting him to the point where his shield doesn’t get tickled to death is very resin expensive for a support. And ultimately he is a comfort pick, Zhongli won’t get you more DPS if you need it but he will make the DPS your team already has much more comfortable.
Coupled with our deep analysis on Zhongli we’ll also be covering Zhongli’s best builds and teams for a shield support Zhongli.

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00:00 – Intro
00:18 – Start of The Video
02:07 – Zhongli’s Pros and Cons
05:43 – Zhongli TL;DR
06:35 – DEEP ANALYSIS on Zhongli’s Shield
09:52 – Zhongli Shield HP Analysis
12:48 – Zhongli’s Pillar Nuances
14:07 – Zhongli’s Pillar Can and WILL eat reactions
15:19 – Zhongli’s Ult
17:35 – Zhongli’s Ascension talents
18:14 – Zhongli’s Best Weapons
20:41 – Zhongli’s Best Artifacts
24:28 – Zhongli’s Teams

Link to the ZhongliMain’s Zhongli Guide:


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Huge thanks to our friend Heika for helping out with chat management in the streams!
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And a huge thank you too to our friend Cyklov you taught me so much from the CN beta test info!
You can find him somewhere on 4chan. Somewhere.
Tony can go suckaegg. A big old one. But he got a C2 Diluc with a 5 star Claymore so if you want some of his luck send anime lewds to
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46 thoughts on “WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU PULL FOR ZHONGLI | Best Build, Analysis, and Teams | Genshin Impact Math”

  1. Thanks for checking out the Video!
    Sorry this video took so long to come out and came out so late into the banner. Jinx is still struggling with health issues and hasn't been able to work on videos as much as he'd like.
    He does have some doctor's appointments coming up soon that will hopefully resolve these issues. Until then thank you for your patience <3

  2. while i agree with some of the points in the video, yall failed to acknowledge how ive seen so many players lose so much dps on healing with characters like qiqi, barbara, noelle and a low invested diona in spiral abyss since yall pretty much just run and critique zhongli in a bennett/xingqiu comp (like in 90% of the videos yall make) who has fast ticks on healing even with low investment when most people that use zhongli in abyss use him in a no healer team comp and notice how valuable a c2 zhongli is to max score hardest content in game atm aka the energy amplifier event

  3. People don't go 4pc Archaic Petra now? My Ganyu benefits a lot with that extra 35% Elemental DMG bonus from 4pc Archaic. With Zhongli's E, generating an elemental shield shard is pretty consistent. I don't run Xiangling ult all the time so Zhongli giving elemental dmg bonus + the shred means easy big numbers

  4. Yes, Zhongli requires high investment, but I disagree with splitting the analysis into a whale and non-whale Zhongli. Constellations are irrelevant for his shield support capability: C2 doesn't help much because with good investment, your shield lasts enough to recast it with E. C3 increases shield power, but with 50k+ hp zhongli (and E level 9) your shield is strong enough to facetank, not really requiring 3 extra levels for current endgame content.

    And yes, I realize getting Zhongli to 50k+ hp and talent level 9 (E) isn't really resin efficient. But the reality is, that many of us have been playing Genshin for a few months months right now. And even with f2p resources, it's entirely possible to reach that point (including investing in your carries first as well). When calculating everything in "days of f2p resin" terms, reality looks much more grim than it is – simply because we've been getting quite a lot of extra rewards from recent events (just look at the current event shop). And after a few months, getting Zhongli to such level becomes quite achievable, even for f2p players. So I'd rather call him a long-term investment if you're f2p or just started playing. But definitely worth pulling, being one of the most flexible supports in the game.

    Also, regarding him being a "comfort pick". Beyond the comfort factor, having strong enough shield lets you actually increase your DPS by not having to dodge most of enemy abilities. It's hard to calculate exact DPS increase from that (cause it varies from case to case), but anytime you dodge, you're basically losing the damage you could deal in that time. This is even more relevant for teams with "DPS windows" – where you stack multiple skills on top of each other to maximize interactions, stack buffs and utilize snapshotting. Zhongli lets you milk those high dps situations to the fullest. Which in my case resulted in the first 9* floor 12 clear by letting me just focus on doing damage (which wouldn't happen even with other supports in his place).

    Finally, with enough HP stacked your shield is strong enough to not include a healer in your team. And since most healers (excluding Bennett) aren't a huge DPS gain for your team, slotting in full HP Zhongli isn't really that much of a DPS loss.

  5. The only thing I’m finding expensive is the fact that I’m almost AR50 used 40 FRAGILE RESIN and the game still refuses to give me a gold Geo cup. This game can currently eat my ass.

  6. A ton of monsters require me to have a geo shield to counter them properly, and my noelle simply didn't feel good enough and I was thinking of getting Zhongli but now I'm even more confused, what should I do?

  7. Do I just suck at dodging then? I spent hours in current abyss retrying not because I don't have enough dmg but because I constantly die. The moment I pulled zhongli I 9starred floor 12 in like 15 or 20 minutes with only a few retries not to dying but simply to bad enemy grouping. How much does fastest single try clear time even matter when if you count retries in Zhongli makes overall clear times dramatically lower?

  8. The biggest sinkhole in this game is artifact farming, all the rest is easy. Just need to focus on one hero and in a week or so you can improve him a lot whereas you can easily spend a week farming for a better artifact piece to never see one.

  9. Yeah, Zhongli is cool but he felt to me like a bait in terms of "must have unit". Diona shield can also be strong if build and how much really getting somewhat stronger shield will help you in Abyss.

    But isn't this video kind of late? I feel like most people already made their decision at this point.

  10. 10:29 Why did you compare at Lvl 80/90 C0 instead of Lvl 90/90 with your Lvl 90/90 C3 Whale Zl? Doesn't seem like a fair comparison, it's not as if an f2p or small spender can't level them up like whales

  11. Absolutely minuscule correction: you can stack ning and zhong constructs on top of each other if you put down ning's wall first, but not the other way around like you displayed.

    Well about that it seems that i cant just freaking get HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!! come on Zhongli you did not show up before and you wont still show up now…

  13. It is kinda weird to call him "expensive" as all you need now is a 4 piece mililith (though it does eat reactions.. sad). Sure, the randomness in pieces is huge but i usually get much more ded/hp items (thus making Bot-li and Albedo builds much easier).

  14. The pillar eating reactions makes the new artifacts set for him kinda useless if you're running a reaction team and not paying attention.
    [EDIT]: he mentioned it in the vid lol

  15. To be honest I really don’t get why jynx still treats most players like they are AR 40 with no resources to spend whatsoever. At this stage even F2Ps should have enough to comfortably raise a character to at least 80. The “it’s too expensive to build argument” only goes so far.

  16. Been subscribed even before Zhongli's first analysis (which I agreed on), but seriously, he's not that expensive resin-wise if you really just want him to be a shield bot…
    You just put on HP% artifacts and maybe even a black tassel for max hp% and you're done. (I don't think that's too expensive?)

    Additionally, why do ppls always "double" shield values when talking about recasts? I know of some casuals literally thinking sac bow Diona already has 2x shield values after doing 2x cast of hold E when it's just a recast in essence? Just say "more uptime".

    Lastly, shields are "pre-emptive heal". You still need to dodge, but because you "pre-empt" your heal, you can afford to get hit vs. when you don't have a shield and get hit, you get staggered (loss of dps) or even lose all your hp. This is why I think the res. shred vs shield argument is really weird con, as if you need to choose one? I don't think ppls who does abyss regularly thinks they can facetank all dmg if they have a shield. It's just added security.

    For context: I have a 25k hp Zhongli and I never found myself losing my shield until it's uptime is done. (This is in Abyss 11-12, my shield just breaks with abyss lecters lol coz I go full auto-skill spam with Bennett during their shield phase haha)

    Anw, I agree with dps losses vs having another sub dps with higher dps haha.

    So if you're looking for more damage in total to be dealt, he's not who you're looking for. But, as the video said, for comfort: less staggers, more survivability, less dps time loss compared when you need to heal manually, he's good.

    Tbh, with the abyss since last update, having a shield is a really great advantage even if you're a great dodger. (e.g. Ganyu losing dps by primo vishap stagger or need to dodge, vs. tanking with a shield, and releasing the charged arrow? I'd choose the 2nd.)

    Also, just cast his shield far away from enemies if you find his pillar messing with your reactions. Never had problems with reactions maybe bc. I just cast it at start of the battle, away from enemies on impulse.

    Anw, as with other units– get him if he fits your needs.

    Thanks for this analysis again Jinx and Tuner! More power! 😊

  17. 26:30 with a c2 Ning this is actually a boon because you can immediately start benefiting from the cooldown reset and effectively have a 6 second elemental skill. This improves her damage and energy regeneration significantly as long as you can keep enemies near the pillar.

  18. I pulled for Zhonglie purely so I can have a support for my razor to just facetank anything for 15 seconds straight and not need to worry about dodging. Hes doing fine with just a tiny bit of investment so I´m happy

  19. Zhongli should still be bis for both Xiao & Hu Tao though.
    Hu Tao has a long downtime anyway so his cast times don't hurt as much, it enables a safer below 50% hp playstyle for more dmg, and VV is irritatingly hard to apply for her.
    Xiao mostly because Zhong just has one of the best sources of Anemo res reduction, the staggger res and shield is also nice though.

    My r5 Lithic Spear was also dealing more dmg than my r1 Jade spear, but that was with a 3 Liyue team.
    So if you do want him to deal more dmg, and don't have homa, then this can be the better option but it does depend more on refinement & liyue characters ofc.

  20. As a F2P with Zhong, I can say 52k HP (lvl 90) Is very achievable. Yes, it takes time, but if things in this game didn't there would be very little to do. While I understand that the plus 3 levels on the shield is nice I don't think it's a deal-breaker (I wouldn't pull copies for it). Black tassel, 3 HP% artefacts and looking for HP% on flower and feather makes for a super durable shielding Zhongers.

  21. “This is a new domain which means we haven’t had a lot of time to invest resin into farming it yet.”

    Me whose spent thousands of resin already farming artifacts for Eula and Zhongli: 👁👄👁


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