What's up with Tricky? Friday Night Funkin' Explained

IT’S FINALLY HERE! Sorry for taking so long with this, things have been odd for me recently. Anyways, this video is about the Tricky Friday Night Funkin’ mod, basically everything to do with the character Tricky as well as what happens in the mod itself. I hope you enjoy!

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49 thoughts on “What's up with Tricky? Friday Night Funkin' Explained”

  1. I have a theary of phase 4 boyfreind and girlfreind travel back in time to episode 11 but they whent abit furrher so incounterd phase 4 tricky but actully they were suposed to rap batirle normal tricky

  2. I would each of the playable characters in the full game to have their own final bosses to set them apart boyfriend fighting the final form of lemon demon, pico fighting piconjo, and hank fighting tricky and the auditor

  3. OK so here's my explanation BUG from the discord.
    I don't really know why I was banned I gave a few friends and relatave my password for discord all of them being homophobic so if you would show me some screenshots of possible of what happened that would be very helpful because I logged on to me being banned when I tried to join it said "user is banned from this guild" so please someone help


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