Why EVERYONE Plays: Thresh | League of Legends

Next episode of Why EVERYONE Plays features Thresh: The Chain Warden! One of the coolest and most terrifying champions in the game.

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#Thresh #LoL #WhyEveryonePlays


37 thoughts on “Why EVERYONE Plays: Thresh | League of Legends”

  1. I've seen a ton of people hating on Thresh mains, which is stupid because support mains were probably just getting sick of their teammates flaming them for not getting any kills, when their purpose isn't to get kills but to help their teammates. So then Thresh, our lord and savior descended from the heavens, lifted those poor support mains' chins up, and said, "By the power vested in me as the Chain Warden, I bestow upon thou the power to get kills and help your teammates out at the same time."

  2. I am sorry but your video for Thresh is not complete. The fact you did not talk about his log in music that is the best out of all the champions in the game. Not only is it from an iconic Francize of films many know, but its also the scariest. I can't give a thumbs up until the song is added to the video. Sorry.

  3. Thresh's kit is good, but his the most important ability is incredibly clunky – his hook. It takes way too long to wind up is way too easy to dodge when you see it coming. Blitz's grab is immeasurably better just because it is instant.
    As long as Thresh's hook takes so long to wind up – it will never be fun to play as.

  4. I just love him because he doesn't require seven fingers per hand and the hand speed and flexibility of a Power Metal guitarist to play. The cool Thresh plays are usually mind games. Lee Sin players have to, like, hit Q, take the dash, put down a ward and W to it to cancel the animation, then buffer the kick and flash behind the enemy for some fancy schmancy compilation play. Meanwhile, I just gotta read someone's mind :>

  5. Yes but nobody actually plays thresh.. the last 200 matches I played I saw like 3 threshs and two of them were myself
    He never got banned either, just nobody plays him

  6. The amount of times I've hooked the charging volibear with 300 armor with thresh to deny his engage, and my teammates still jump on him like my dog who thinks he's starving because he hasn't been fed in 30 minutes, then yell at me for hooking the tank…trust me, thresh still has this problem lol

  7. This one only needs 1 sentence of explanation:
    Because he has everything, both things needed and things being fun gimmicks.
    To write it out:
    His lantern is both massive utility AND fun to use, his Flay is so multi-purpose it´s almost criminal and he has a non-commiting Blitzcrank hook that stuns for longer.
    His passive soul-collecting feels rewarding to look at, his ult is great at zoning and debilitating enemies and last but not least his E passive, which grants this satisfying one HUGE auto attack after not attacking for a while.
    In other words, he is legitimately the best support Riot ever intentionally created.
    And while I believe Braum is the best support thematic-fitting-wise, Thresh is the best in pay-off.

  8. When you're not ready to skirmish with enemy bot lane and they really want to commit it, have your ADC back off and throw the lantern to fog of war it will discourage them. Above all, always make yourself look intimidate.

  9. I play Thresh bc he's an utter absolute son of a bitch who doesn't care about anything but torturing people

    I also try to convey that by making my ADC familiar enough with lanterns (taking them out of bad situations or getting them closer to free kills) and when they feel safe enough to ALWAYS pick-up the lantern, I just Q an assassin, drop my lantern, and the moment he takes it, I just pull him right into the assassin and leave

    Life is tough, they better learn that in a videogame than in real life

  10. He's the original overloaded character other than maybe also Yasuo, but although he's about mindgames, he's usually extremely "transparent" about what he's doing. He got a good hook, used lantern, timed his E well, etc. Not getting carried by 10 different passive effects. Everyone is "seeing" what's happening and that's extremely respectable. I always said even if Thresh's abilities literally did 0 damage, he'd still be one of the best/most fun supports to play with/against. That's a great selling point in my eyes.

  11. whats so interesting to me is that I don't see many people complain about thresh even though when you think about it, he can do A LOT of things, I geuss it shows you how well designed thresh is.


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