Why NO ONE Plays: Kled | League of Legends

This episode of Why NO ONE Plays features Kled! The High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company.

~If you want to skip the disclaimer part~
(0:00) – Introduction
(0:35) – Skip the disclaimer

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#Kled #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays


28 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Kled | League of Legends”

  1. “When dismounted he has to play more carefully.” Yes if by carefully you mean running at the enemy with your passive, getting four hits in, shotgunning them, and going back in praying your conquer stacks will heal you enough for skarll to come flying back or pray that the alacrity rune you put on will pull out for you.

  2. really confused on why you listed camille as a "brain dead easy champ" 12:20 she's really timing and sequence specific like combining w while traveling with e, preparing q2 for when you travel with e, not to mention requiring fast mouse movement in order to do a quick e if you're next to a wall.

  3. Sitti g here listening at 3:58 just made me think. "Youre thinking too hard about it" when kled is mounted just poke and punish when they try to go in. When hes dismounted poke, build courage, and pubish when they go in

  4. As a Kled main, I have to say that I love his outplay potential. At least in my games, if I were to record my outplays on every other champion and on Kled, Kled would have double the number. Possibly more.

  5. The problem with your Kled video is you're thinking to much. Timing? Prediction? Consistency? Kled doesn't give a sh*t about anything like that. He goes forward and he hits stuff, if you're not turning your brain completely off and smacking things with a large stick you're not playing Kled correctly.

  6. I am going to suffer a lot, but I want to have solid OTP for top about whom no ones know how to play XD. After I watched this video, I am going to buy him and play 40 games to understand something. Wish me luck on my path of psychopath 😉

  7. Kled is one of my favorite characters in the game. I've always loved the in your face fight fight fight playstyle that doesn't revolve around stats but actually outplaying your opponent.

  8. The reason to go through all that trouble is because when u remount u have won the fight. That’s when everyone in the game goes wtf just happened cuz u just wiped both ur and skaarls butt with the enemy team lol.

  9. I think Kled would become way better and way more popular if we simply moved some of his damage from his Q and W to his ult and a tiny bit to his unmounted form but we make it so the Q tether doesn't shorten as much and the W can be activated on-demand… also maybe make it clearer to tell when you are getting close to mounting and dismounting


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