Will the Tokyo Olympic Games go ahead? – BBC News

Preparations continue in Japan for the Olympic Games – despite a state of emergency for coronavirus. Will it go ahead?

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22 thoughts on “Will the Tokyo Olympic Games go ahead? – BBC News”

  1. Here in Japan, many nations criticize the government focusing on political success by the Tokyo Olympics holding at all cost than health and relief of the nation, a risk of the infection spread by world many persons meeting and parting.

  2. Olympics (Summer and Winter) should be abolish. Hosting it is a waste of money. It is just a tool for big corporations to promote their product worldwide. The olympic values "Excellence, Respect and Friendship" is just a lip service. The world is celebrating it every two years but war between countries and bullying by giant countries such as china are still prevalent.

  3. 近來美國和某些西方國家突然高度關心中國新彊,西藏,香港等人權問題,並且借口對中國搞經濟和官員制裁威脅手段,但這兩三天中東發生以色列用現代武器屠殺巴勒斯坦人民,以色列犯了屠殺罪,但美國和某些西方國家官員和媒體居然沒有任何嚴厲指責以色列嚴重侵犯人權,沒有對以色列屠殺罪實施經濟和官員制裁,完全反映美國和某些西方國家官員所謂人權價值觀是多虛偽,只為自己政治利益服務

  4. The Japanese people do not want the olympics. ICU beds are packed, hospital staff are exhausted, vaccines and testing are virtually non existent and they are asking for 500 doctors and nurses to be allocated to serving the athletes and their entourage. Japanese citizens who live abroad are being denied entry into japan due to minor paperwork issues on their proof of negative PCR results yet they are not even demanding athletes and entourage to be vaccinated before entry into the country.

    The government has been deciding their covid approach with their priority being the Olympics, not the physical, financial or mental health of the people who live in Japan. Sure, the athletes feel safe, but that’s because already exhausted medical staff, supplies and testing kits are being diverted to serve them, not the people.

    The olympics were supposed to be about helping rebuild the northeast of japan after the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. But for some reason it’s taking place in tokyo, which is NOT where infrastructure investment is needed, and then the excuse changed to “proof that humanity has won against covid” while India suffers and virtually no Japanese people have been vaccinated. I wish they would just admit they care more about money than lives.

  5. Want the Olympics to go ahead? Well, at the very least the Suga gov should have ensured that all its citizens be fully vaccinated prior to the games. At the moment, less than 2% of the population have been vaccinated and there are not enough doctors and nurses to administer the jabs. I hope they are able to vaccinate all in time but I have my doubts.

  6. Many people in Britain thought the London Olympics should not have happened, because we had a recession and it was expensive. Yet is happened and was very successful and it created 1000s of jobs.


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