Xiao Summons That will make you Laugh and then Cry into a body Pillow Genshin Impact

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48 thoughts on “Xiao Summons That will make you Laugh and then Cry into a body Pillow Genshin Impact”

  1. I rolled for Xiao and got him and then Keqing 4 rolls later. Sadly it wasn’t on the same multi, but the hype was still there. I also got Xiao in another 5 multi’s so I only hit pity once on Xiao banner once lmao from the first Xiao I got since before I got Xiao, I pulled on Albedo banned and got Jean, which meant guaranteed Xiao. Just a side note, I didn’t roll even a single on Ganyu banned, cuz I ain’t no simp.

  2. Hold up, you have to spend $300 to get 90 pulls? How much would I have to spend to get a guaranteed 5*? I want Xiao so bad, I’m willing to spend money, I’ve already rolled 40 times on it

  3. everyone is getting qiqi now.i got her on the ganyu banner so I understand the pain for sure. I just knew if I waited I would be 100% getting xiao next and it happened. wish I could have both though.


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