Zhongli UPDATED Artifact Combination Testing! | Genshin Impact

Took a while to put this together, hope it helps! Also feel free to join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCkYtVae

0:00 Intro
0:14 Video Overview
1:50 Full Damage Test
2:48 HP/GEO/CD
3:30 HP/HP/CD
4:08 HP/GEO/HP
4:47 Full HP
5:23 Full HP (Black Tassel)
6:07 Full HP Shield Test
6:28 Full Damage Shield Test
7:10 2 HP Shield Test
7:30 Final Breakdown

My overall conclusion: Go HP/GEO/CD for a bruiser DPS Zhongli, go HP/GEO/HP for a hybrid shield and burst user, and go Full HP to be a TANK. Keep in mind this is not including Physical Damage! Also, a lot of this comes down to your sub-stats so if you have better sub-stats for HP/HP/CD than for HP/GEO/HP, then go for that! Honestly with his recent buffs Zhongli has gotten so flexible that you can’t go wrong with how you build him!


35 thoughts on “Zhongli UPDATED Artifact Combination Testing! | Genshin Impact”

  1. My overall conclusion: Go HP/GEO/CD for a bruiser DPS Zhongli, go HP/GEO/HP for a hybrid shield and burst user, and go Full HP to be a TANK. Keep in mind this is not including Physical Damage! Also, a lot of this comes down to your sub-stats so if you have better sub-stats for HP/HP/CD than for HP/GEO/HP, then go for that! Honestly with his recent buffs Zhongli has gotten so flexible that you can't go wrong with how you build him!
    0:00​ Intro

    0:14​ Video Overview

    1:50​ Full Damage Test

    2:48​ HP/GEO/CD

    3:30​ HP/HP/CD

    4:08​ HP/GEO/HP

    4:47​ Full HP

    5:23​ Full HP (Black Tassel)

    6:07​ Full HP Shield Test

    6:28​ Full Damage Shield Test

    7:10​ 2 HP Shield Test

    7:30​ Final Breakdown

  2. My Zhongli is currently running HP/Geo/HP because I kinda want to build him as as a tank/support, good shield, good burst, and able to take inevitable damage and survive. Planning to get Deathmatch to replace Crescent Pike because he can't get the max potential of C. Pike.

  3. Edit- saying just awesome is not enough to describe this work in my opinion. Thank you so much for this more or less fair and really applicable example to benchmark on. I feel that you really worked hard and undoubtedly not in a short time for this particular Video.
    Thank you so much, so useful, even though u don't provide calculation for shield, u put on a simple and straightforward example for us to look at which was basically enough. Man, again THANK YOU. U're awesome.

  4. Zhongli's "meta" changed from HP/Geo to ATK/PHYS/CRIT.
    Post 1.3 many players have him as main DPS now. (You gotta abuse that RES shred with 1.39% HP scaling attack, even with just 20K HP Zhongli built with Gladiators and Bloodstain 2pc/2pc, you basically steamroll everyone. Not to mention his Attack animation is very fast too.)

  5. Thank you have been waiting for this so long (・◡・)/
    Some questions in the shield v childe. Shots taken with full dmg and full dmg (HP) is it same!? Couldn't get it clearly.
    Same with full hp and full Hp with tassel

  6. You should really try a dps build for him. My Zhong is on noblesse-bloodstained, hp, physical dmg and crit dmg. All +20 except the goblet wich is a 4* +8. I use the white tassel for the crit rate sub. He has 26k hp, 1.3k atk, 56% cr, 140% crit dmg, 21% geo dmg bonus and 50% physical dmg bonus. Normal attacks do from 1.4k to 3.2k, E resonance 2k, e hold 4k and Q 38k. He his on lvl 80 with talents 4/5/6. I think it's totally worth it
    Edit: i use him with Albedo for the elemental resonance, Albedo c1 and Zhongli c0

  7. to work as a support, wouldn't it be better to give it a spear with energy recharge? I wasn't very lucky with the polearms so I was forced to build the prototype by the blacksmith


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