10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.23 – League of Legends Predictions

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0:00 Intro
0:32 Top lane
0:36 Volibear
1:54 Aatrox
2:34 Jungle
2:38 Zed
3:20 Rumble
4:03 Mid Lane
4:08 Jayce
4:51 Lucian
5:46 QOTD
5:54 Bot Lane
5:58 Varus
6:26 Kai´sa
7:29 Support
7:33 Pantheon
8:13 Galio
8:47 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.23 Best support 11.23, best mid laners 11.23, best junglers 11.23, best top laners 11.23, patch 11.23 rundown, 11.23 lol, 11.23 changes, item buffs 11.23, preseason 11.23, chemtech drake 11.23, hextech drake 11.23, fimbulwinter 11.23, mythic items 11.23, rift scuttle changes 11.23,

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36 thoughts on “10 WORST Champions YOU SHOULD AVOID Going Into Patch 11.23 – League of Legends Predictions”

  1. And people still don't believe me when i say voli needs a little help to fight the meta champs and say that i'm a noob xD well there you go. He's the worst champ to choose for top in pro guide's eyes lmao

  2. Im an aatrox main btw
    So aatrox was strong for 2 patches correct me if im wrong and then he got shitted on and now he is garbage he is still pretty good in 1v1s but in teamfight HE IS SO TERRIBLE goredrinker heals nothing and now he wont be buffed for like 99999 patches and if he does get buffed he will be broken for like 2 patches and then he will get shited on again, nice rito keep going

  3. Bro this is by far the worst most mediocre video I’ve seen this whole year, why tf are u showing jayce and lucian mid? NOBODY PLAYS THEM MID! Show 2 actual mid laners that are worth less which there is many, zed and rumble jg NOBODY FUCKING PLAYS THEM JG!!! So I just wasted 5 minutes of my life listening to you talk about champions that are bad IN ROLES THAT THEY DONT BELONG IN!

  4. Varus? Stop building lethality and build galeforce (takes away his inmobility) and muramana (procs on every ability he has) and the rest is situational.

    You don't even know how much burst and dps he has with only those 2 ítems. Dps varus > spam Q varus

  5. in my ELO its fucking JANNA bro; nothing is more annoying then janna's missing toranado's for 20 mins and then saying "look at that one i landed" lol i hate that i play high silver

  6. QOTD: Yasuo/Yone top lane. IDK why I've seen so many people doing that lately. Clearly both are awful top lane. Oh and a side note Akali cause ya know unless you mad pro she is really difficult to play. I rarely see an akali do well anymore.

  7. I disagree with Varus being one this list. I had an amazing game last time I played him because I had a great support. So really he can still dominate in the bot lane if you and the support are on the same page.

  8. Avoid Voli… The guy can already play shield bash have nice HP ratio & the new fimbulvetr.
    Add to this the buff on aa for turbo chemtank or frostfire.
    2 ap bruiser item such as reworked demonic embrace & the void flame antisheild item..

    And voli is to avoid?!?


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