Are Summoner Spells Outdated? | League of Legends

Been a while since you guys saw a video like this! I believe the last one I talked about was on Overpowered Abilities which was like 3 months ago. Anyways, today I want to talk about why Summoner Spells are outdated!

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50 thoughts on “Are Summoner Spells Outdated? | League of Legends”

  1. Disappointed to not hear the argument of removing summoner spells entirely. I find that a much more interesting topic than a bunch of random terrible ideas for new ones

  2. I would like to see more variety, Flash is the best example considering its been a ''locked'' spell for so long. Personally i think Flash should be just a standard ability for all champs, that would lead to more people playing about with different spells and options.

  3. Lol jamming signal is OP and broken AF, idk y he said it is underpowered. I mean imagine using that in pro play. All player get jamming signal. If you time it right you can have 25 sec blind on map and objectives. Imagine adding movement speed on top of that.

  4. smite is no longer a necessary summoner spell, it is not needed to kill camps anymore. the need vs use is clear. there is no need for smite, any argument remaining for the spell is purely gameplay based on the idea that it secures objectives. there are plenty of ways to accomplish the same task without the spell in the new revamped game system. this is not a requirement to play the game no more then buying boots. it is a gameplay oriented want like going into a match that is stacked with meta picks.

  5. New summoner spells could give old champions the opportunities new champs have. New champs can do way too much compared to old champs so summoner spells like blowback could really help an adc peel for themselves against irelia's 10 dashes

  6. Maybe not outdated, but some are weak like cleanse and some are god tier like flash. They serve as a useful little rounding up tool to patch weaknesses, and I don't think any of the current summoners can be removed aside from maybe ignite or exhaust without causing mass havoc.

  7. Back in the day I actually got a pretty strong setup going on with Flash – Clairvoyance with Teemo top, clairvoyance allowing me to place very aggro mushroom setups in enemy jungle, it was an underrated summ, but I understand why they removed it, because of trolls mainly but also noone used it, but it was global and had a duration of 5s I believe, huge for objective check and vision control, also helped with more map awareness, and macro to know when to use it.

  8. In any other game, something used as often as Flash would be nerfed or removed. It's only still in because League players would probably complain instead of adapt since its been in for so long.

  9. superposition :
    on activation u become a mist ,while inside the miste buff of moove speed, while outside a slow : all spell don't colide with you but u still take dmg , there is multiple instance of hitboxe inside the mist . all dmg are fractionned betwen instane:

    -if a ez Q only touche one instanceo ut of say 6 , it does 1/4 of the dmg , if it touche 4 normal dmg , if 6 increase dmg.
    -the first spell that you lunch will be shot by all instance and do noraml dmg divided by the number of instance

    i have no idea if it would be fun , that a scrap from one of my champion idea, yet seems funny

  10. Season 11 summoner spells lets go! Flash will now also blind enemies for 2 seconds, deal 99 true damage to any enemies facing you (999 to monsters/minions), can be reused once in 6 seconds refreshing on takedown.

  11. Retreat: it sends you back to base instantly after not being in combat for a few seconds.
    Battery: your cannon minion becomes a battering ram that does extra damage to structures but cannot damage units.
    Kindle: empties your mana bar un exchange for a shield that has an aoe effect on enemies.
    Revitalize: it uses 25% of your current HP to give you 25% of your missing mana, killing someone within a few seconds gives you a 10% missing mana over 3 seconds
    Shield wall: your minions adopt a defensive stance giving them flat damage reduction, if near a tower every friendly unit has their damage taken split between the minions, the tower and themselves.
    Bamis Ashes: scatters ashes in a cone in front of you causing minions to stop and blinks to become unreliable, if used against a tower it doubles it's cast time between shots.

  12. Tower summoner v1: target one of your towers, for the next x seconds (20?) it ignores minions. Can be activated while dead.

    Concept: the game is really only 2 parts — combat and wave management; thus a non-combat summoner would need to target the wave somehow. This version would serve a vital purpose: provide a way to recover/retaliate during the early game. Losing one wave or being insta-killed would not result in losing the entire lane.

    Tower summoner v2: target one of your towers, for the next x seconds (10?) it has its attack speed, damage, and/or range doubled.

    Concept: make diving dangerous. The value of turrets as a zone of safety has been steadily eroded over time.

  13. I see potential have back fortify etc, but if they are too strong it will change meta to late game focus because is too safe laning phase. Which will dmg game from at least the aspect of a watcher and probably from gamer perspective too because it becomes snore fest while waiting ppl get inaf money for something to happen.

  14. I think there is also the case for just removing summer spells. It would make champions like Ezreal (flash) or Twisted Fate (teleport) feel more unique, since everybody couldn't do what they can do.

  15. This is a bit unrelated but you should be able to change your summoner spells before minions spawn (with an anouncement in all chat saying you've done so) so that you dont insta lose if you accidentally take smite or forget flash

  16. (Im a Janna main in silver so take my words with a grane of salt)
    I like the idea with the reverse rell ult but i think it would make Janna more useless cuz Janna is not a very good pick rn since you can build the same stuff on karma, lulu, soraka and be more usefull then her(her shields are not that gr8 since karma can ult E giving a massive shield(turning your adc into a tank for a moment (can help with assasins)) and lulu's shield is 1000 times better and you know….soraka can heal globaly) and Jannas ult is a knockback that not alot of supports have rn and making it for everyone would make her kinda useless

  17. they are way outdated they dont have enough damage. we need exhaust to do 500 dmg and flash to have an aoe execute. they really cant hold up with any champs doing anything. everything needs even more damage its not enough that teamfights are over after 1-2 sec with an ace for one of the teams that has to go down to like 0.5s

  18. yeah says all summpners spells are combat related offers 4 summoners spell 3 out 4 of them is combat related and the other one is actual garbage design this is why game developers doesn't take direct feedback from players

  19. What about summoner spell modifiers? For example if you chose flash you can choose that it either provides you with a small shield, movement speed buff, or 1 sec invis or something. Same for all other ones as well.


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