Bethesda's Starfield Is SOONER Than We Realize – 2021 Release, Reveal In March, & MORE!

Starfield is in a very specific situation. After Fallout 76, it’s hard to determine whether we should feel optimistic due to it being a new IP with the possibility of bouncing back or pessimistic on Bethesda ever changing their ways. Regardless, many are convinced that Starfield is still a year away and today’s video provides evidence against that. Whether it’s sources, Microsoft’s marketing, or Todd Howard’s words, a lot suggests this game is on its way sooner than we realize.
Xbox’s Bethesda Deal Gets A Big Update:


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38 thoughts on “Bethesda's Starfield Is SOONER Than We Realize – 2021 Release, Reveal In March, & MORE!”

  1. To clarify the "bug free" statement, I am referring to massive game breaking bugs on the level of Fallout 76. It's Bethesda after all and as much as I love some of their games, they can have some serious jank. Sorry about not being clearer in the video!

  2. It’s a sad realization that we probably won’t see Fallout 5 for 10-15 years. Starfield, ES6, If Starfield is amazing they will make Starfield 2 and then maybe Fallout 5. Obsidian will get a shot at a Fallout while Bethesda is in between all of them. Fallout 5 will be years away, and most likely will be Todd Howard’s last game if it’s going to come out in 2030

  3. See the thing is, if Starfield is exclusive to Xbox it will allow them to make a much more impressive game performance and capability wise. If it is cross-gen, it'd really limit the game if it has to be on the PS5 as well.

  4. If I don't get a Series X anytime soon, rest assured Starfield will be the game that will get me to purchase it before. But I'd be willing to bet it's next spring or summer '22 the very latest.

  5. In my opinion, one of the main qualities that BGS has is that us, the fans, are used to bugs issues and crashes in their games so I think it makes us more tolerant when we play their games. Bethesda bugs and glitches are memes and it gives them a charm like you said so when Starfield will launch, I won't care that much about issues like these but I sure don't want the game to be broken for the time it took to release it XD But I think you get my point


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