NEW PATCH PREVIEW: Upcoming Changes List For Patch 11.8 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Item nerfs
0:58 Item buffs
1:17 Item adjustments
1:41 QOTD
1:50 Champion nerfs
2:39 Champion buffs
3:33 Champion Adjustments
4:25 Outro

Concepts: Concepts: Best ADC 11.8, Best support 11.8, best mid laners 11.8, best junglers 11.8, best top laners 11.8, patch 11.8 rundown, 11.8 lol, 11.8 changes, item buffs 11.8, Titanic Hydra nerfs 11.8, Ionian Boots of Lucidity nerfs 11.8, Frozen Heart buffs 11.8, Moonstone renewer buffs 11.8, staff of flowing water buffs 11.8, shuriliya’s battlesong buffs 11.8, hextech rocketbelt buffs 11.8, Thresh nerfs 11.8, annie nerfs 11.8, gnar nerfs 11.8, orianna nerfs 11.8, yorick nerfs 11.8, leblanc buffs 11.8, lee sin buffs 11.8, aphelios buffs 11.8, zac buffs 11.8, cassiopeia buffs 11.8, vladimir buffs 11.8, rammus changes 11.8, dr mundo changes 11.8, rumble changes 11.8, zed changes 11.8, darius changes 11.8, mordekaiser changes 11.8, diana changes 11.8,

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20 thoughts on “NEW PATCH PREVIEW: Upcoming Changes List For Patch 11.8 – League of Legends”

  1. I bet you they're intentionally buffing Darius jungle so they can nerf his lane stats in the next patch… probably just an excuse to divide his power up more and discretely nerf him.

  2. Man alot of mages that build CDR do it because their damage isn't high enough in this meta, like Ahri for example she is suppose to be a burst mage/assassin, but her damage isn't nearly enough compared to all meta midlaners so she builds CDR now to make up for it and at least be viable, now why the fuck are you nerfing CDR boot ? Like literally why when most people that build it do it because they have to so they could survive in this meta.

  3. I'd personally like to see some buffs/changes to Singed, updating how is q-dot deals dmg for example and maybe giving his ult some renovations. Most importantly though, I'd like to see some buffs for Singed jungle. It would give at least me a reason to play jungle, since I realy love Singed and could see him as a fun control jungler, but his early clear is just a bit too slow to realy make it work, if the enemy jgl has half a brain.

  4. I might be overestimating my impact here, but I think I could deadass be the reason Morgana is getting jungle buffs lol. A while back I reached out to a Rioter on the balance team how I hoped Morg nerfs aimed at mid lane wouldn't hurt jungle Morgana too much. He liked the tweet, but that also means he saw it.


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