PBE URF Is like a Different Game Mode – League of Legends PBE

Disclaimer: It isn’t actually a new game mode it’s just a weirdly ‘balanced’ URF.
As you can imagine, I came to PBE initially to test more fun off-meta possibilities, so real non-broken normal draft games are coming soon. Lemme know what you’re interested in trying!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cryobeats

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New Twitter:

Music used:
– Stage Boss Fight – Super Mario 64 (Like King Bob Omb)
– Mobile Fortress Gradia Battle Theme – Tales of Arise

See my new AD Thresh Itemisation Guide on MOBAFire:

Stream music is by Gamechops

Hey, you read the description, big PP energy to you!

Now for some random tags and stuff for the algorithm, ignore these:
League of Legends lol lol reddit “lol reddit” opgg op.gg euw na kr eune “reddit league of legends” “legends of runeterra” runeterra evelynn worlds “lol worlds” champion champions “lol champions” 2019 2020 kda ahri akali kayle wukong “kda ahri” poster riot points “riot points” top “lol top” adc Thresh probuilds “thresh probuilds” “dark star thresh” dark star high noon “high noon” “thresh lol” pro builds pro build god price mobafire s9 s10 “dog walker thresh” meta metalol “lol thresh ad build” “ad build” “ad thresh top” “thresh full ad” “full ad” full ad thresh s8 “build thresh” “full ad thresh” “lol ad thresh” “ad thresh build” “thresh full ad runes” God why is youtube so hard now jesus christ ad kassadin troll viable “ad thresh” tresh “ad tresh” l Xin Zhao AP Chogath Cho’Gath Cho Gath Yes Hi You Read These For Some Reason But APPARENTLY YouTube Decided “Tags” Should Do Basically Nothing and the bloody DESCRIPTION matters more in searches and related! WOW! Anyway Back To Tags Gwen Seraphine Viego Samira Lunar Beast Spirit Blossom Lore Kekw Akshan Dies Vex Season 12 Chemtech Hextech Dragon What Were They Thinking PBE URF Broken What Do The Kids Like These Days I Know Roblox
#PBE #LoL #LeagueOfLegends


25 thoughts on “PBE URF Is like a Different Game Mode – League of Legends PBE”

  1. buff seems justified considering she wasnt able to move even 1/10th of a second tbh.

    cc needs diminishing return on that mode. they need to give champions a stacking tenacity buff every time they get hit by a new cc. even then. knockups and hooks with a shorter cooldown than their duration will still break the game.

  2. Rito has some serious balancing problems. In the end it was all on purpose because their balancing team found the champion designer drugs and took a bit to much.

  3. kinda expecting riot would make this mistake, maybe it should be like 240% which is still alot but better, but the coding is kinda crap so it becomes 2400% instead, ahri maybe supposed to have like 60% but become 600% instead


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