SUCROSE DPS BUILD | Genshin Impact – Slexein

Slexein Gaming Sucrose DPS Build, 38k Damage sucrose.

LVL: 80
Constellation: 4
TalentLevels: Wind Spirit 5 | Astable Anemohypostasis 10 | Isomer 6

Weapon: 4* Solar Pearl (CritRate 25%) BP Weapon

2x Viridescent Venerer (15% Anemo DMG)
2x Gladiator’s Finale (Anemo DMG, CRT DMG/CRT RATE)

Attk: 2236
CritRate: 61%
CritDmg: 193%
AnemoDMGBonus: 104%
ElemMastery: 54
Food buff: Adeptus Temptation, Gushing Essential Oil

#GenshinImpact #Sucrose #Build #DPS


35 thoughts on “SUCROSE DPS BUILD | Genshin Impact – Slexein”

  1. since ive started the game the only 2 characters ove wanted were fishl and sucrose i now have all 4 star characters except them and a c3 amber i would like to note i have a c 3 amber

  2. Everyone said she is a support, my friends said "don't be an idiot build another character as your main dps" I'm planning to do this setup and shock them all….
    Thanks for the guide pal it was really helpful!

  3. whoa whoa whoa, I disagree with the "prefered stats 50%+ crit rate 150%+ crit damage."

    The golden ratio is for every percent crit rate, you should have 2% crit damage… So, if you have 50% crit rate, you should have 100% crit damage and if you have 75% crit rate, you should have 150% crit damage… Deviate from this and you will get diminishing returns.


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