The Apex Legends Season 9 Update Will CHANGE EVERYTHING…

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Apex Legends Season 9 isn’t just launching with some small changes this time around like Season 8 did, we have a new mode, HUGE legend rebalancing and even more possible additions coming. This is big…

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Rampart Render in thumbnail found on Google Images, artist is ‘HumanSAS’:
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38 thoughts on “The Apex Legends Season 9 Update Will CHANGE EVERYTHING…”

  1. Why are they buffing rampart?
    Take my POV of rampart: she places her walls and camps that wall with sheila or a r99 if you push that wall you have to get rid of that wall or she basically has a extra shield and even if u destroy the wall she can replace it with ease bc she has 3 at her disposal so most of the time I go against a rampart I just don’t want to not push that and run elsewhere and I’m talking about ranked and pubs.
    So why rampart gets buffed and not fuse tho?
    Fuse NEEDS a buff he has no potential with his kit let me explain on a console POV
    Tactical:50 dmg,weak for a character that likes explosions and is granade based AND his tactical needs to be stuck to the enemies to even do 50 most of the time (on console keep that in mind) and it attracts 3rd parties so often so why go through the struggle of using it…
    Ult:slow and avoidable and again it’s attracts 3rd parties and u cant see through the flames…
    So why do they buff rampart when we have fuse with the worst kit ever released in apex up until now sure if ur on pc and are diamond or masters even predators you will use him with ease(again console POV)
    So yeah hope u see my point here of why rampart is ok rn and not fuse and he has higher buff priorities than her currently hope u can see my point

  2. Im looking for a rampart buff, especially her turret and maybe the amped cover, the cover basically gets one shot when first placed down and the turret needs a speed/ mobility buff


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