How to MACRO in LOW ELO – Bronze to Diamond Challenge! Ep 8. League of Legends

How to Macro in Low Elo!
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How to Macro: In today’s guide we’ll be teaching you how to macro in low elo for our bronze to diamond challenge with Nama at Skill-Capped.


Concepts: how to macro, macro mistakes, macro choices, lol macro guide, low elo macro


49 thoughts on “How to MACRO in LOW ELO – Bronze to Diamond Challenge! Ep 8. League of Legends”

  1. "Gold is more effective when funneled into one person" I get this concept, but I feel it's easier to have that with a Darius than say, an adc. No matter how fed you are, if you die too early in the fight you don't get the value for your stacked items. To be fair a peeling sup can often do that job well without being super fed.

  2. Well, Naama almost got to platinum in just 4 months. I have no idea why did he drop his Orianna and started to play Viktor. If he just kept one tricking he probably would've gotten to diamond after being coached for just 8-9 months. That would've been a pretty impressive achievement! It's kind of sad that he stopped playing, plus SkillCapped didn't finish the playlist too.

  3. Well, actually become diamond in 4 months is almost impossible for everyone. To be precise, for every account. The speed of growth of LP is limited by the algorithm of riot, and the account is setted to face harder enemy if you climb too fast. You have to spend a lot of time in the video game, which they hope you to do so.

  4. So what if i play a champ like Anivia who wants to be in team fights and has Low mobility? I feel like my team goes and picks bad fights and she is to slow to get to them in time to help.

  5. These vids just don't cover the REAL problems of low elo. Though sharing gold is not ideal and it's good to funnel more gold into yourself, in low elo your team will constantly ARAM no matter what you tell them. In fact if you tell them to stop and listen to you they will just do it even more and flame you for not helping. Most people don't even care what they're doing and where they are positioned. For eaxmple, your bot lane is pushing mid with no vison (ofc cause its low elo), you see a wave bot and so you get it to funnel more gold into yourself (the right decision) but because you left anbd your team doesn't listen to you or react to what your doing they keep pushing mid and int. Then you lose objectives, enemy gets fed and you can't psychially 1v5 if enemy goes ARAM mid. You shouldn't just babyshit and be worried about your teammates every game, but this is the sad truth and trying to apply higher elo correct decision making isn't gonna help in a low elo enviroment.

  6. Hey, Im no challenger or anything but I went from bronze to high plat multiple times and there is 1 thing I disagree about this video. That thing about too many people in mid, you should go farm side lane to get more exp / gold. Imo in lower elo biggest macro problem is that when ppl see enemy they just attack. So lets say we pushed that mid tower and 1 of our teammates is overextending, enemy team is not visable at all, he sees one enemy so he attacks and he dies cuz there are more coming. And this is the story of most games, 2v5, 3v5, 1v5 happens non stop. I kinda feel that if you played enough games in low elo you kinda get that sense when teamfights might happen for no reason and no farm or exp will help you win the game if you are not there to turn those teamfights around. I tried many times explaning them what they are doing wrong while it happens but it just tilts them even more, all you gonna get is "shut the fuck up" kind of things. At low elo imo you gotta be there when shits go south cuz otherwise you gonna get ur exp and gold from lets top lane and then come back mid when the rest of your team is dead and enemy is pushing. Well kinda long post, I might be wrong but that kind of mindset worked till like plat 5 for me. Then ppl get more understanding when to not engage.

  7. I've been playing for a month now and still going 1/13 in bronze 4 and don't feel like I'm improving my win rate is 33% but I've lost the last 13 games in a row -_- idk how to get better

  8. 3:08 if the CC is optimized such as xerath stun and then lilia ult and then cait trap and then braum ult and then braum q, and then cait trap agros and cait autos procing braum passive, and then ren w which would be it for darius

  9. at 7:40 u ignore the enemy's assists and the 2-3 waves that were there too that makes riven almost even with vector and the rest still got 300+ gold minimum which makes this a losing scenario by a lot. the reason vector managed to carry is his challenger level of knowledge and mechanics which players in the same elo cant hope to carry.
    carrying is easy if u play 10 ranks below ur skill level but if u were playing in challenger u couldn't have carried as hard or at all. I would be happy for responses.

  10. It seems like he didn't get it even with skillcaped help, but he did great!! I'm gonna start ranking in a week from now for the first time, I wonder if I can become a goldie in just 4 months xD

  11. See the problem I have with side leaning even as a top laner is when I go to split push the entire enemy team comes to kill me and my team gets nothing out of it. Ever. It's actually so annoying at the moment

  12. But skill capped if ahri or garen would have left the mid to go for the top lane the walking time from mid to top would be enough for the enemy minions to die so u loose a wave anyways plus they also had no visions on the river so ahri/garen could’ve just been camped by the jungler or something. I know split pushing is import but what if it takes so long to get there that a wave died anyways is it worth doing that?

  13. So it's not like 9 months later from the start. I'm assuming he didn't hit diamond but did he hit plat? And are you guys still continuing the series. I'm still trying to learn and get better myself


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