Swain's Rework: Where Everything Went Wrong | League of Legends

Welcome back to another episode of the Rework Retrospective! It’s been a very long time since the last episode but worry not! I haven’t forgotten about this series. Today we’re gonna be talking about a champion who Riot somehow managed to screw up despite not requiring any major adjustments from the old one. So let’s dive into Swain: The Noxian Grand General

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#LoL #Swain #Rework


46 thoughts on “Swain's Rework: Where Everything Went Wrong | League of Legends”

  1. i'll say Swain CAN still solo lane, whether mid or top but he shines brightest where he makes plays rather than competing with enemy solo laner. in bot there is an extra target to pick on and poke at. never played old Swain tho, so i don't know what much about what i'm missing.
    thanks for quality content. keep up the good work. wish you well

  2. As someone who loved both old Morde and old Aatrox I cannot say that their reworks were both failures. Morde on paper is basically the same thing plus cc, minus old ult. There is just a lot of nuance that twist playstyle and thats it. Aatrox on the other hand is actually new champion and only thing that makes some similarity is spellvamp and only against champions.

  3. Yeah I dunno, one of the reasons I stopped playing League as much was because my champ pool kept on getting these reworks from people who didn't play the champ or were just bad at game design in general. I also liked Skarner, so it was kind of hilarious for Riot to go "no one plays Dominion so we're removing it" then going "here Skarner, enjoy this stupid win-more minigame".

  4. something id like to mention is that his old E's damage amp affected true damage, which made him surprisingly effective in the jungle since he could only be outsmited by chogath and nunu

  5. I actually really like the swain rework because of the diversity he brings to the bot and support positions. In my head, he filled the “AP bruiser bot” void that the original Mordekaiser left behind, while Morde ended up going top.

  6. Old swain was sooo much better, i feel bad playing this shit right now… before i used to play hours on LoL, now i could hardly get an hour in because of how things are screwed up

  7. The point ur making that his abilities are not working together in his new kit, I believe is wrong.
    If you open up with the root, you can use the 2 other abilities 99% guaranteed to hit the target you are aiming for.
    Also, just because Swain's new E appears different compared to his former W (which is root/snare) They work pretty much the same way in terms of zoning or locking them down, it's a big harder to hit, true, but I believe his passive (that makes him pull enemies towards him) makes it all up for that. His Q deals more dmg the closer you are to ppl, so his E and Q synergizes quite well. I completely dissapprove with your point there. His kit DOES work together. His W is kinda off but it still works to make a guaranteed slow combo'd with your E. Which makes it easier to drain them out and kill them with your ultimate. His kit has changed, yes, but fundamentally he just became a harder but more rewarding champion.

  8. I think that Vision of the empire can acually be turned to Never move again. I mean they could just go with it like Aurelion ult that on close range it will root like old one but on far range it will reveal.
    and his current never move just turn it to his old q but it will work like his current version. By that on first fling it will slow someone for 30% but if second hit them it will be 60%.
    And it it comes to his ult… I don't know. I knida love and hate it at the same time.

  9. The itemization doesn't help either. Swain needs "bruiser" AP items but he doesn't get any meaningful defense till 3rd or 4th item but if he builds a tank item first he does no damage(unlike tanks).

  10. swain main here, never played old swain, but the new one feels awkward at times with his e and w, but man does he feel so rewarding to nail down, bullying bot laners, using ult and 1 v 5 ing, assasins and divers early on fuck him up badly, so early game is hit and miss but late you jsut beat them anyways since you are so tanky, will say his chad energy just walking into enemies without fear feels so fun as a mage, no fear, in conclusion, he feels cluncky but really fun with clear problems, in my eyes there can be improvements, but as a stand alone champion he is good

  11. I mained swain, i had a few picks that not alot of people played like swain, aatrox, poppy and yes… old yorick, this due to people not knowing what to do against them, swain was my magic damage pick.

    I mean, from most of the picks that i mained theres almost nothing left, the only 3 being somewhat the same or untouched now are shyv, udyr and trynd, but i realise they are all up for reworks so i guess its time to main different champs

  12. I love new Swain's aesthetic, VFX and let's be honest the E-Passive-Q shotgun is a little fun when it yeets the enemy ADC out of existence.

    But the problem is that his kit isn't coherent. He has a short range cone attack. He has an absurdly long range W which is rather fitting for a situationally aware tactician as you can cut off escapes, stop chases etc. There is his E which serves only to trigger his passive. And his ultimate which isn't altogether different, trading low sustained damage for high burst on longer cooldown (which fits the current direction League has been heading where everyone gets to 100-0 bush wookie).

    New Swain's true strength is his passive. Every single one of his abilities do not synergise with his kit bar his E (which doesn't really do anything BUT trigger his passive). Individually they are powerful abilities, and certainly his new W is thematic, but that does not make a champion.

  13. It's kind of funny how Riot went "stat check champions are degenerate, we need to remove them", then replaced them with a gimmicky nightmare that is half as fun to verse with even less fun to play.

    I don't even really agree with a "stat check", because that is literally half the game. Getting a lead through proper macro like farming is going to get you ahead through items, level up stats, and ability upgrades. If you give old Mundo a large enough lead to be able to run through you, then you clearly did something wrong. The only time it was a problem was when Riot severely fucked up the balance, and that wasn't a problem with Mundo's kit.

  14. I prefer new swain, love him as tank-support and I don't miss the old mess he once was.
    Not everyone is to deal massive amounts of DMG up front. Swain has some heavy DOT imo, even as full tank.

    Also, i never played him top (or at least recently… Well, I didn't play at all recently 😐 ) but i feel there could be some viable tanky builds for him there. Especially with new items.

  15. It looking cool and strong on paper, and it's still somehow strong in real situation, but it's lack of thing why people play swain. Yeah, like Morde and Aatrox or most of reworked champion, it's not fun to play, it lost it's own fun element, which is the most important.

  16. Current Swain? Yea, I would vote him to be among the top contender for champion that is kinda "out-of-context" alongside some older champ like Alistar, Poppy & Ivern.

  17. It kinda feels like you never played the new Swain, "his new abilities doesn't have synergy between them" Swain's most common combo is that if you land a E and time it right with your passive you get just enough time to 100% land the W. Besides his Q does more damage when close to enemies and his passive helps him with it. Old Swain and new Swain are basically the same, just that the new one does have clear weakness and strengths, as the old one didn't have such, his ult being a toggle was punishless and his other abilities almost as much. In the end old Swain was like you said "a stats checker" and because of that not a control mage but a tank, new one is a control mage, with skill needed to land his cc, punishable ult (cd), and a controller of space and vision with W


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